marți, 3 februarie 2015

Alte incercari...

Am reincercat metoda descrisa intr-un articol anterior, dar cu alte tipuri de hartie.
Aici este o pagina luata dintr-o revista de fizica, se vad formule, grafice...este o hartie cam subtire, fara prea mare consistenta, dar acrilicul a prins frumos.

I retried the method described in a previous article, but other types of paper.
Here is a page taken from a physics journal, can be seen formulas, graphs ... is a little thin paper, without much consistency, but acrylic caught nice.

Aici sunt niste detalii. Am mai adaugat putine "corecturi cromatice" cu un creion pastel.
Here are some details. I added little "color correction" with a pastel pencil.

Aici am folosit o hartie "aurita" in care este ambalata cafeua. Acrilicul a prins mai putin bine, dar sunt efecte interesante pe fondul auriu. Am pus ca masca o frunza uscata care s-a lipit de hartie.

Here I used a "golden" paper in which coffee is packaged. Acrylic caught less well, but interesting effects occur on the golden background. I put as mask dry leaves that stuck to the paper.

Aici am pictat o hartie de ambalaj, usor cerata, pe care am pus si doua frunze, ca masti.
Here I painted a wrapping paper, slightly waxed, I put two leaves as masks.

Mai jos este ultimul experiment pe azi, facut pe hartia de acuarela. Aceasta absoarbe repede apa si vopseaua acrilica se usuca, asa ca e necesar sa se lucreze repede.
Below is the last experiment today, on watercolor paper. It quickly absorbs water and acrylic paint dries, so it's necessary to work quickly.

Toate acestea le voi folosi ca background-uri in alte lucrari....
I will use them as backgrounds in other works ....

3 comentarii:

  1. I really like the effect on the old physics book. Stunning.

  2. I love these. I tried to do this with disperse dye on paper. Two of the three came out but I haven't ironed them off yet!! BEAUTIFUL papers - all of them


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