Azi, am sarbatorit 1 Mai prin munca. M-am inscris, acum cateva zile, la un Challenge "Booklet feltalong", organizat de Sara Lechner din Argentina. Urmeaza sa realizam niste mici pagini (aprox.7cmx10cm), care vor fi stranse intr-o carticica. Vom primi, in fiecare luni, instructiuni de la Sara.
Pentru inceput, o pagina pe un background feltat. Nu am lucrat pana acum in aceasta tehnica desi am studiat problema, dar nu s-a ivit ocazia....
Asa ca, am inceput prin a face o bucata de feutru prin tehnica wet felting.
Today, I celebrated May 1st by working. I signed up in a Challenge "Booklet feltalong" organized by Sara Lechner from Argentina. We will do little pages (aprox.7cmx10cm), that will be collected in a booklet. We receive every Monday instructions from Sara.
For start, a page on a felt background. I did not worked until now this technique although I studied the issue. So I started by making a piece by wet felting technique.
Dupa ce s-a uscat, am taiat o bucata de feutru si am trecut la decorarea lui. Crearea compozitiei este problema cea mai dificila, mai ales cand iti vin mai multe idei. Pana la urma, a iesit asa...
Once dry, I cut a piece of felt and I went to decorate it. Creating composition is the most difficult, especially when coming to you more ideas. Finally, it came out ...
Pentru dos, am folosit un material vopsit in albastru la care am facut deasemenea un embellisment cu fire angelina si free motion. Apoi l-am fixat de partea din fata cu o cusatura in jurul partii feltate.
For back side, I used a blue colored material that I also made a embellisment with angelina fiber and free motion. Then I set him by the front side with a stitch around the felted part.
Iata ce a iesit in final...
The final is this ...
Fata |
Dos |
Très joli !!!
RăspundețiȘtergereMerci Solange...
ȘtergereCarmina your work is always beautiful. I love how you combine materials and colors. Gorgeous!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Sonja, you know i love the colors...
Ștergereun travail textile vraiment intéressant...
RăspundețiȘtergereMerci d'être passée sur mon blog hier...
I love following along with what you are doing int he felt along Challenge! I love Sara's work!! So good to ahve met you!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Elisabeth...I'm glad to met you, too...