luni, 24 martie 2014

A venit primavara...

De mai bine de o saptamana, primavara s-a instalat, sper, definitiv. Zilele sunt foarte calde, temperaturile sunt intre 15-20 grade. Natura renaste de la o zi la alta, salciile au inmugurit primele, forsitzia si-a deschis florile rand pe rand infloresc tot mai multi copaci...Este anotimpul meu preferat, alaturi de toamna.

For more than a week, spring installed, hopefully permanently. The days are very hot, temperatures are between 15-20 degrees. Nature is reborn from one day to another, the willows have sprouted first, forsitzia opened yellow flowers bloom ... and one by one all the more trees ... It's my favorite season, with fall.

O plimbare cu prietenii mei, in parcul Titan, e intotdeauna binevenita.
A tour with my friends in the Titan Park is always welcome....

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