duminică, 11 august 2013

ATC again... 


ATC  (Art Trading Card) este o miniatura textila (sau din alte materiale), facuta pentru schimburi artistice sau pentru a fi daruita. Are dimensiunea unui card bancar, de 6.5cmx9cm.
De curand am participat la un schimb artistic pe Milliande Art Community for Women si am facut cateva ATC-uri pe care le vedeti in fotografia de mai jos. In general, fac o serie de sase bucati pentru ca este o munca tare migaloasa si nu este rentabil sa lucrezi un singur ATC.

ATC (Art Trading Card) is a textile miniature (or from other materials), made for artistic exchanges or to be given as gift. He has the size of a credit card, 6.5cmx9cm.
I've recently participated in an art exchange on the Milliande Art Community for Women and I made ​​some ATC that you can see in the picture below. In general, I do a series of six pieces because it is a meticulous and hard work and is not useful to work only one ATC.

Photographs were taken with cell phone and can not have the best quality.

Fotografiile au fost facute cu telefonul mobil si poate nu au calitatea cea mai buna.

Si acum sa va arat cum am procedat. Nu este o regula, ceea ce spun eu acum....este vorba despre cum am lucrat eu la aceste ATC-uri.
Am folosit ca material de baza, o matase sintetica, groasa, cu o tesatura rugoasa, folosita la draperii. In centrul ei am asezat un patratel din bumbac, vopsit manual, imbogatit ulterior cu o pictura facuta cu acrilice. Aici apare o diferenta de textura, patratelul va apare ca un mic tablou, acesta a fost si scopul acestei compozitii.

And now to show you how I proceeded. This is not a rule, what I say now .... it's about how I worked on these ATC's.
I used as base material, a synthetic silk, thick, rough fabric, used for curtains. In the center I placed a square of cotton, hand dyed, then enriched with a painting done with acrylics. Here there is a difference in texture, small square will appear as a small painting, this was the purpose of the composition.

Materialul de baza a fost, in prealabil, stabilizat pe un termocolant. Apoi am taiat bucati ceva mai mari de 6.5cm/9cm, pentru rezerve. Patratelele de bumbac vopsit au fost taiate la dimensiunile finale, adica 4cmx4cm, poate unele putin mai dreptunghiulare.

The base material was previously stabilized on an interlining, then I cut pieces slightly larger than 6.5cm/9cm. Dyed cotton squares were cut to final dimensions, i.e 4cmx4cm, maybe some slightly more rectangular.

Le-am fixat apoi cu niste vliesofix pe materialul de baza, ca sa nu se miste in timpul lucrului. La fel de bine se poate folosi si un pic de lipici pentru hartie.

Then I fixed the squares with some vliesofix (bondaweb) on the base material, not move during operation. As well you can use a little glue.

Le-am facut un chenar cu zig-zag si le-am quiltuit incercand sa fac un desen cu frunze sau alte figuri, dupa imaginatie.

I made a frame line with zig-zag and I'm trying to make a quilted leaf or other drawing figures, by imagination.

Apoi am adaugat niste culori acrilice...
Then I added some acrylic ...

 Acum urmeaza etapa cea mai placuta pentru mine, infrumusetarea sau "embellishment"-ul pe care l-a facut cu fire si margeluse....aici trebuie sa alegi! Cu asta se poate spune ca am terminat "topul" ATC-urilor.

Now comes the most pleasant step for me, the embellishment, that I made ​​with threads and beads .... here you have to choose! With this, we can say that we have the ATC's "top".

Apoi am taiat, din carton, dosul ATC-lor, adica niste bucati de carton la dimensiunea finala de 6.5cmx9cm. Le-am fixat cu lipici de "top", iar excesul de material a fost apoi taiat.

Then I cut from cardboard, the ATC's back, in the final size of 6.5cmx9cm. I've fixed them, with glue, on the ATC's top and the excess material was then cut. 

In final, marginile ATC-lor au fost cusute cu zig-zag.....si gata!
Finally, ATC's edges were stitched with zig-zag ..... and ready!

I hope you liked this,

13 comentarii:

  1. Nu am stiut ca exista ATC. Sunt placut impresionata de aceste mici opere de arta. Frumoase, incitante si mai ca-mi vine sa spun ca vreau si eu una!

    1. Multumesc.
      Am vazut si eu blogul tau si am admirat bijuteriile tale.
      Daca vrei sa ma contactezi scrie-mi pe adresa
      Poate ne si vedem...

  2. toate creatiile originale , unicat sunt minunate , nu te plictisesti privindu-le minute in sir.iar tie nu-ti lipsesc ideile pentru asemenea creatii .Minunate Carmina!

  3. So creatively and so different and all beautiful, Carmina!

  4. Vraiment très belles ces ATC's.
    Verry beautiful job!

  5. Thanks for sharing your process Carmina. The ATC's are beautiful.


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