miercuri, 9 septembrie 2015

Carte-obiect, in lucru...

De ieri, m-am apucat sa fac niste pagini pentru o carte-obiect. Cu aceasta ocazie am reciclat niste pungi de plastic, pe care le-am topit-contopit, sau mai pe englezeste, plastic fusing. Fiecare compozitie am fixat-o apoi, cu niste cusaturi libere "free motion", pe o bucata de lutradur, un material plastic netesut. In final ele vor fi prinse intr-un fel, asta vad maine, de o coala A4 de carton alb. Urmeaza sa ma gandesc la coperti...
Deocamdata,  iata ce a rezultat pana acum...

Yesterday, I started to make some pages for a book-object. On this occasion I recycle some plastic bags, they've melted-fused, or in English, fusing plastic. Each composition I set it then with some free motion stitching on a piece of lutradur a nonwoven plastic material. Finally, the pages will be caught in a way that I'll see tomorrow, on A4 sheets of white cardboard. Follow thinking about covers ...

For now, here's what came out until now ...

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