Expozitie de patchwork in Bucuresti
Ca in fiecare an, Adina Popescu a organizat, la sfarsit de noiembrie, o expozitie de patchwork la Casa de Cultura F. Schiller din Bucuresti. Au expus Adina Popescu, Alexandra Filloti, Betty Popescu, Ela Ghioc, Valentina Tolbaru, Amalia Ionescu, s.a.
Iata cateva imagini din expozitie. Mai multe fotografii de la vernisaj puteti vedea aici
Like every year, Adina Popescu has organized at the end of November, a patchwork exhibition at the Cultural F. Schiller in Bucharest. Have exposed Adina Popescu, Alexandra Filloti, Betty Popescu, Ela Ghioc, Valentina Tolbaru, Amalia Ionescu and others.
Here are some images from the exhibition. More photos here
Felicitari, artistelor, pentru munca si talentul lor !
Ooh, so beautiful quilts, especially quilt in aquarelle technique and green-white.... so love it...Thank you, Carmina for show!