Revederea dupa 50 de ani...
Sambata, 16 mai, a fost Revederea de 50 de ani de la terminarea liceului "Avram Iancu" din Aiud, pe care l-am absolvit in....1965!!
Pe atunci, doua clase de elevi am absolvit liceul, una de real alta de uman. Eu am facut sectia reala, pentru ca imi placeau mai mult stiintele exacte.
La intalnire au fost prezenti peste 50 de colegi, dornici de aceasta intalnire. Unii nu au putut veni, altii nu mai sunt! Din pacate, nu ne-am mai vazut din 1985, decat intamplator.
Saturday, May 16, was the Reviewing of 50 years after graduation from high school "Avram Iancu" Aiud, which I graduated in 1965 .... !!
At that time, we were two classes of students, one of the human sciences and other of Sciences ... I graduated sciences, because I liked sciences.
The meeting have been present over 50 colleagues, eager to this meeting. Some could not come, others are no longer! Unfortunately, we have not seen since 1985, except incidentally.
Ne-am intalnit la liceu de la ora 10, apoi la ora 11 a urmat ora de dirigintie. S-a strigat catalogul si fiecare si-a prezentat pe scurt realizarile din cei 50 de ani trecuti. Am constatat cu bucurie ca aproximativ 90% din colegii mei au facut studii universitare si sunt bine realizati. Desigur, au vorbit si despre copii si nepoti!
Dupa ora de dirigintie, la care a fost prezenta si una din profesoarele noastre, d-na Retegan, ne-am dus la un restaurant unde s-a organizat masa festiva si ne-am distrat foarte bine pana seara tarziu...Am schimbat impresii, amintiri, numere de telefon, am facut fotografii...
We met in the high school at abot 10, then at 11 o'clock was a festivity, when it was reading the list of students and each has outlined the achievements of the 50 years. I was glad that about 90% of my classmates have university degrees and are well done .... sure, they also talked about their children and grandchildren!
After that we went to a restaurant where a festive dinner was organized and we had a great time till late. We exchanged impressions, memories, phone numbers, I took pictures ...
Tabloul de absolvire a liceului "Avram Iancu" in 1965. Graduation picture, 1965. |
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Revederea, dupa 50 de ani, in 2015.....after 50 years, in 2015. |
Liceul Avram Iancu, in care am invatat noi..."Avram Iancu" hight school, where we learned. |
Corpul nou al liceului, care acum se numeste Titu Maiorescu. The new corpus of the hight school, named Titu Maiorescu. |
Catedrala Ortodoxa din Aiud...Orthodox Cathedral in Aiud |
Cetatea medievala din Aiud. Medieval Fortress from Aiud |
La restaurant... |
Intre colege....Among colleagues |
How wonderful! That seems like such a warm and wonderful time. Thank you for sharing it!