marți, 9 iunie 2015

UFO sau lucruri neterminate...

Nu intotdeauna esti in starea de inspiratie... Atunci cand ai inspiratie, asta te motiveaza. Dar, daca nu termini, nu duci acel lucru pana la sfarsit...el devine un UFO (UnFinished Objects).
Acest colaj l-am facut, acum, ceva timp....
Am fixat pe un strat subtire de vatelina, cateva  bucati textile. Am adaugat niste fire, fixate cu Avalon, un stabilizator solubil in apa.

Not always you are in a state of inspiration ... When you're inspired, it motivates you. But if you do not finished, do not take this thing to the end ... it is a UFO.
This collage I made some time ago ....
I fixed on a thin layer of batting, several textile pieces. I added some wires fixed with Avalon, a water soluble stabilizer.

Apoi am fixat totul cu cusaturi drepte sau in zig-zag.
Then I fixed everything with straight stitches and zigzag.

Inca nu m-am decis cum sa finalizez aceasta lucrare, sa-i fac o bordura inchisa la culoare, catifea de exemplu, sau sa-l inserez intr-o lucrare mai mare....grea problema!
Imi puteti da o sugestie?

I'm not decided yet how to complete this work, to do a border, dark, velvet for example, or to insert it in a larger work .... difficult problem!

Can you give me a suggestion?

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