Cursul de pictura
Am terminat cursul de pictura. Saptamana trecuta, in sedinta 3-a, am inceput un nou tablou, cu niste trunchiuri de mesteceni pe un fond de cer albastru. Am pictat fondul albastru, dar la sfarsitul sedintei de lucru nu mi-a mai placut ce a iesit. Ma gandeam sa schimb totul si sa incep altceva pe aceeasi panza. Dar in ultima sedinta mi-am dat seama ca nu voi reusi sa termin lucrarea, asa ca am continuat cu fara chef. Nu sunt prea multumita de ceea ce am facut, dar in fond, este doar a doua mea lucrare si nu are cum sa rezulte... geniala!
I finished painting class. Last week, the 3rd meeting, I started a new painting, with some trunks of birch trees on a background of blue sky. I painted blue background, but at the end of the working session, not the most pleasant to me what came out. I was thinking about everything else, and start something else on the same canvas. But in the last meeting I realized that I will not be able to finish the work, so I continued with birches ... without much enthusiasm. Not too happy with what I did, but in fact, it is only my second and this can not showing ... brilliant! progress |
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Felicitari pentru finalizarea cursului de pictura! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereImi place blogul dumneavoastra. Il urmaresc cu placere.
Zile inspirate va doresc.
PS. Mie mi-au placut mestecenii :)
I like what you did and it's amazing this is only your second painting!! Great use of colors on the leaves.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you Beth, you are so kind!