Expozitia Marijane Bitulescu & Relu Bitulescu
Din 5 mai, Galeria Simeza gazduieste expozitia "Intre lumi" cu lucrari ale Marijanei Bitulescu si ale sotului ei, pictorul Relu Bitulescu. Am vizitat expozitia de doua ori.
Imi plac foarte mult creatiile textile ale Marijanei Bitulescu, sunt precum niste tablouri lucrate din materiale textile. Ma incanta compozitiile sale deosebite, realizate din materiale adesea nepretentioase. Ador modul cum foloseste cromatica si textura lor pentru a crea un puternic impact vizual. Inafara de lucrarile textile, Marijana Bitulescu a prezentat si niste tapiserii haut lisse, foarte frumoase.
From May 5, Simeza Gallery hosts the exhibition "Between Worlds" with works made by Marijan Bitulescu and her husband, the painter Relu Bitulescu. I like a lot Marijan Bitulescu's textile creations, they are like paintings made of textile materials. I'm excited by its special compositions made from materials often unpretentious. I love how she uses the color and texture to create a strong visual impact. Apart from textile works, Marijana Bitulescu presented haut lisse tapestries, yhey are also very beautiful.
Cateva fotografii facute in aceasta expozitie.....some pictures from this exibition.
Marijana Bitulescu -Tapiserie
Marijane Bitulescu - arta textila
Relu Bitulescu - pictura
Thank you. That was a real treat! The tapestries were phenomenal and the painting wonderful. I also like the fabric piece with the erratic stitching. Romania seems like I wonderful place to live. Lots of art and gardens