duminică, 6 iulie 2014

Challenge la final...

Ieri am terminat carticica mea pentru challenge.
Am realizat coperta folosind tehnici din arta textila pentru ca imi sunt mai la indemana decat feltingul...
Coperta am facut-o din bucatele textile cu diferite culori si texturi, fixate pe un termocolant. Am adaugat si niste lana nefeltata pentru a obtine efecte de transparenta. Apoi am cusut cu zigzag si free motion. In final am adaugat niste fire decorative si flori. Topul astfel obtinut a fost fixat pe un material dens si cusut pe margini cu zigzag. In interior am cusut paginile, una de alta, separate cu o margea.
Imagini de la acest chalenge gasiti aici
Yesterday I finished my little book for the challenge
I made ​​the cover using techniques of textile art  because it is easier for me than felting ...
I did cover from textile pieces with different colors and textures, fixed on interlining. I added some wool to achieve transparency effects. Then I zigzag sewing and free motion stitching. Finally I added some yarn and flowers. The top thus obtained was fixed on a dense material and sewn with zigzag edges. Inside I sewed the pages together, separated by a bead.
Images from this challenge can be found here aici.


Fata copertei. The front of the book cover

Spatele coprtei. The back.

Asta este carticica mea. Here is my booklet...

Pe curand,


2 comentarii:

  1. Wonderful to see the cover open like that ;-)
    It was real fun, wasn't it ?

    1. Thank you for visiting. On my blog I can post more photos. This challenge was fun and interesting for me. I understand that I still have much to learn...


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