duminică, 8 iunie 2014

O plimbare placuta...

Ieri am mers cu treburi in partea de nord a capitalei, in zona bulevardului Expozitiei. Este o incantare sa vad si sa revad aceste imagini...

Yesterday I went shopping in the north of the Bucharest. It is a delight to see and review these images ...

In partea dreapta, World Trade Center iar in partea stanga o cladire inclinata, UnicreditTiriac Bank. Nu, nu este o greseala de fotografiere...este o constructie moderna cu o arhitectura foarte interesanta.

On the right, World Trade Center and on the left a building inclined, UnicreditTiriac Bank. No, it is a mistake of shooting ... is a modern building with very interesting architecture.
Pullman hotel

A trebuit sa traversez multe treceri de pietoni...I had to walk across the many zebra crossing ...

Aici am vizitat o galerie de arta....Magia dell Arte.

Am fost incantata de obiectele de portelan pictate, inspirate dupa lucrarile lui Gustav Klimt....
I was delighted by painted porcelain objects inspired by the works of Gustav Klimt ....

Si altele..... and other...

Pe curand,

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