marți, 3 iunie 2014

Imagini care au facut ocolul pamantului...

Azi am gasit pe internet acest filmulet, facut cu o drona. Drona este un dispozitiv care zboara fara pilot. Cu un astfel de aparat s-au luat imagini aeriene ale Bucurestiului.
Am fost tare bucuroasa sa vad, intre minutele 4:00-4:30, imagini ale cartierului meu si ale parcului Titan unde ma plimb foarte des, fac poze si le postez pe blog sau Facebook. Din aer se poate vedea cat de mare este....

Today I found on the internet this movie, made ​​by a drone. The drone is an unmanned flying device. With such a device were taken aerial photos of Bucharest.
I was so glad to see, between 4:00 to 4:30 minutes, images of my neighborhood and of the Titan park where I walk very often, take pictures and post them on my blog or Facebook. From the air you can see how big it is ....

Va invit sa-l vedeti...
I invite you to see it ...

3 comentarii:

  1. The park looks wonderful & what a variety of great buildings, thanks for showing us the tour. I've been catching up with your lovely work in your challenge, I love these small pieces, they are a manageable size & will make a fabulous book! Love the colors & interesting techniques you use.

    1. Thank you, Emma, for visiting my blog and encouraging words that you told me. I am glad if you appreciate my work ...


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