sâmbătă, 30 martie 2013


Am primit un frumos cadou-premiu de la Elena (Spania) al carei blog este aici.
Acest lucru imi da posibilitatea sa-l ofer mai departe la patru prietene, autoare de blog, care consider ca merita sa fie remarcate pentru creatiile lor!

I received an award from Elena (Spain), whose blog is here.
This gives me the opportunity to offer it on to four friends, author of the blog, which I think it deserves to be noticed for their creations!

J'ai reçu un prix de Elena (Espagne), dont le blog est ici
Cela me permet de l'offrir aux quatre amis, auteur du blog, 
qui méritent d'être remarqués pour leurs créations!

These blogs are as follows. Please, visit:

Kalona Creativity: http://kalonacreativity.blogspot.ro/ 

Solange : http://solangepassions.blogspot.ro/

 Natalia: http://nataliaturchaninova.blogspot.ro/
Corinne: http://corinne-art.blogspot.ro/
 Regulamentul este urmatorul:
- Faceti o postare cu premiul primit, in care specificati blogul si proprietarul blogului de la care ati primit premiul;
- Nominalizati, la randul vostru, alte patru bloguri care va plac, dar care au mai putin de 200 persoane interesate, pentru ca lumea sa le cunoasca;
- Anuntati persoanele nominalizate, despre premiul acordat.

Le règlement est le suivant:
- Faire un post avec des prix reçus, le blog et le propriétaire du blog, pour préciser de qui vous avez reçu des prix;
- Nominé à votre tour, quatre autres blogs que vous aimez, mais qui ont moins que 200
personnes concernées, de sorte que les gens les connaissent;
- Annonce nominés pour le prix.

The rule is:
- Make a post with the award received, the blog and the blog owner, to specify from whom you received the award;
- Nominates, in your turn, four other blogs that you like, but with less than 200 follower,
because people know them
- Announced nominees for the prize.

Please, visit these blogs!

marți, 26 martie 2013

Mon anniversaire...

Hier, c'était mon anniversaire. J'ai reçu de nombreuses félicitations sur mon Facebook, e-mail ou par téléphone et de nombreux cadeaux. J'ai célébrée cette journée dans un restaurant avec des amis et nous avons passé un bon moment, même si chez nous, il était un jour froid comme d'hiver.
Mais une grande surprise m'a été faite par
mon ami francaise Solange qui, sans savoir que c'est mon anniversaire, m'a envoyé un très beau cadeau. Elle est passionnée, comme moi, de l'art textile et il fait des choses absolument merveilleuses.
Voici quelques-unes des merveilles envoyées par Solange, un
sac à main de feutre et un AS (Art Square)
Ils sont vraiment des œuvres d'art.
Merci beaucoup, Solange ...

Yesterday was my birthday. I received many congratulations on my Facebook, email or phone and many gifts. I celebrate this day in a restaurant with some friends and we had a great time, even if with us it was a cold day, as in the winter.
But a big surprise was made by my french friend Solange, who without knowing that it is my birthday, sent me a very nice gift. She is passionate, like me, with textile art and it makes some absolutely wonderful things.
Here are some of the wonders sent by Solange, un art bag and a Art Square.
They are true works of art
Thanks Solange ...

 Multumesc Solange! Merci Solange!

joi, 21 martie 2013

Miniaturi textile 2013

Saptamana trecuta s-a deschis in Bucuresti, la Galeria Orizont, expozitia "Miniaturi Textile 2013". Va putea fi vizitata pana la 23 martie. Nu puteam lipsi de la un astfel de eveniment care este o reala incantare pentru mine. Ideea miniaturilor textile imi place tare mult, pentru ca pe o suprafata mica poate fi inglobata o cantitate mare de creativitate. Am fost incantata sa vad creatii minunate ale unor artiste a caror arta am ajuns s-o cunosc din expozitii si sa le admir mult: Angela Semenescu, Maria Negreanu, Ana Maria Rugescu, Hermina Csata, Adriana Dobra, Adriana Popa Canija, Marijeana Bitulescu, Natalia Udrea, Claudia Musat, Cela Neamtu, Claudia Tudoran, Felicia Cenan, Zoe Vida Porumb si altele. O multitudine de tehnici, un festival al culorilor si texturilor, totul facut sa incante ochii si sa bucure sufletul....
Iata cateva imagini.

Last week, it was opened in Bucharest, Horizon Gallery, the exhibition "Textile Miniatures 2013". Can be visited till March 23. I could not miss, such an event is a real delight for me. I like the idea of ​​textile miniatures very much, because in a small area can be incorporated a large amounts of creativity. I was delighted to see the wonderful creations of artists that I ended up to know them from exhibitions and admire for their art: Angela Semenescu, Maria Negreanu, Ana Maria Rugescu, Hermina Csata, Adriana Dobra, Adriana Popa Canija, Marijeana Bitulescu, Natalia Udrea, Claudia Musat, Cela Neamtu, Claudia Tudoran, Felicia Cenan, Zoe Vida Porumb and others. A multitude of techniques, a festival of colors and textures, all made ​​to delight your eyes and enjoy soul ....

Here are some pictures.

Angela Semenescu

Angela Semenescu

Marijeana Bitulescu

Felicia Cenan

Maria Negreanu

Adriana Dobra

Ana Maria Rugescu

Clara Tudoran

Natalia Udrea

Bucurati-va de frumos!
Enjoy beautiful!

joi, 14 martie 2013

Patchwork Exhibition in Bucharest


In spatiul generos oferit de Muzeul Costumului (sectie a Muzeului Satului "Dimitrie Gusti") din Palatul Parlamentului - Camera deputatilor, s-a deschis, de 8 Martie, expozitia de quilturi "Arta din peticele".  
Expozitia este deschisa pana la sfarsitul lunii martie 2013 si merita sa fie vizitata. Este un eveniment unic, pentru ca sunt putine persoane in Romania care se ocupa cu aceasta arta.
In expozitie pot fi vazute lucrari de patchwork traditional si contemporan create de doamne din Asociatia Romana de Patchwork. Particip si eu printr-o lucrare colectiva. A fost o bucurie sa intalnesc din nou  persoane cu care impartasesc aceeasi pasiune, arta textila, si pe care le pretuiesc pentru talentul lor.
Iata cateva fotografii din expozitie.

On March 8, was opened in Bucharest, an exhibition of patchwork, traditional and modern. It is housed in the Museum of Costume, generous exhibition space at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest. The works in the exhibition are made by artists from the Romanian Association of Patchwork in recent years. I participate in a collective work. It was a joy to meet again people who share the same passion, textile art, and that I appreciate for their talent.
Here are some photos from the exhibition.

Vizionare placuta! 

joi, 7 martie 2013

8 Martie...

Maine este 8 Martie-Ziua femeii. Un gand bun tuturor Doamnelor pentru aceasta zi!
Sa aveti o primavara minunata!

Tomorrow is 8 March-Women's Day. A good thought for all Ladies for this day!
Have a wonderful spring!

In Romania, March 8 is a special day. It is Women's Day. In this day is celebrated woman, mother, wife, or  lover. Men have the opportunity to give a gift to the ladies of their life and certainly it will be a Martzisor and flowers. It is a homage to women. This day is a day of flowers, you can see many women that carries flowers gift. Moreover, in recent years there is a new habit, cops stop driver ladies not to give a fine but to give them a flower. Is not that sweet? Also, women celebrate their own in private parties.  

 Have a Happy day! A good thought from me...

sâmbătă, 2 martie 2013

1 Martie....Martzisor

In sfarsit...a venit primavara!
1 Martie este o speranta, de renastere a naturii si a noastra.
Tuturor cititorilor blogului meu, va daruiesc cu drag un martisor si o floare de frezia.

Finally ...spring is coming!
March 1 is the hope, the rebirth of nature and ours.
All my blog readers I will gladly dedicate one Martzisor and delicate freesia flower.
For followers of other countries I want to tell you what is Martzisor. Martzisor word comes from March. In Romania, Martzisor is a symbol of the coming spring. It is a gift for March 1 we give to friends or loved ones to the joy of the coming spring. Martzisor is made from two threads of silk, white and red, twisted, with red and white tassels ends. He is embellished with a small ornament or brooch.
Enjoy yourself.


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