joi, 7 martie 2013

8 Martie...

Maine este 8 Martie-Ziua femeii. Un gand bun tuturor Doamnelor pentru aceasta zi!
Sa aveti o primavara minunata!

Tomorrow is 8 March-Women's Day. A good thought for all Ladies for this day!
Have a wonderful spring!

In Romania, March 8 is a special day. It is Women's Day. In this day is celebrated woman, mother, wife, or  lover. Men have the opportunity to give a gift to the ladies of their life and certainly it will be a Martzisor and flowers. It is a homage to women. This day is a day of flowers, you can see many women that carries flowers gift. Moreover, in recent years there is a new habit, cops stop driver ladies not to give a fine but to give them a flower. Is not that sweet? Also, women celebrate their own in private parties.  

 Have a Happy day! A good thought from me...

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