joi, 3 mai 2018

Expozitie retrospectiva Traian Boicescu

Saptamana sala Brancusi, de la Camera Deputatilor din Parlamentul Romaniei, am putut admira o expozitie retrospectiva cu lucrarile artistului Traian Boicescu. In expozitie au fost prezentate lucrari de tapiserie, pictura si desen si a fost o adevarata incantare sa le bucur ca am avut aceasta ocazie.

Admirabile lucrari de tapiserie


dar si pictura

Un comentariu:

  1. I am just seeing this today. I have been on a trip to see family. You know I thought some of the work was painted but you close-ups showed them to be tapestries. What amazing work. Great exhibit!!


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