Bojaghi - arta traditionala coreeana
Saptamana trecuta am fost de doua ori la Galeria de Arta "Galateca" pentru ca sa vad expozitia Hands of Korea. M-a impresionat tare mult. Am avut ocazia sa vad in realitate niste obiecte de arta despre care am aflat pe internet. Este cu totul altceva sa le vezi cu adevarat, sa vezi detalii, sa intelegi cum sunt facute. Azi am sa scriu despre Bojaghi, despre celelalte lucruri voi scrie in alte postari.
Last week I was twice at the Art Gallery "Galateca" to see the exhibition Hands of Korea. I was impressed very much. In fact, I had the opportunity to see works of art which I found only on the internet. It is totally different to see them in reality, to see details, to understand how it is made. Today I write about Bojaghi. I will write about other things in other posts.
Bojaghi este o piesa traditionala coreeana folosita la impachetarea cadourilor, avand o functie simbolica in ceremoniile de nunta traditionala coreeana. Bojaghi este destinata sa acopere, sa protejeze, sa pastreze lucruri de pret, avand o functie estetica. Bojaghi apare in atentia publicului in anul 1983 cand dr.Dong-Wha directorul Muzeului de Broderie Coreeana si-a expus colectia de piese antice la Muzeul national de Arta Populara din Seul. Atunci au realizat coreeni ce frumoasa este aceasta arta. Dupa 1990, tehnicile, folosite pentru realizarea bojaghi, au fost facute cunoscute si in alte tari, prin expozitii, conferinte, workshop-uri, etc.
Bojaghi is a traditional Korean piece, used for wrapping gifts, having a symbolic function in traditional Korean wedding ceremonies. Bojaghi is designed to cover, protect, keep valuables, having an aesthetic function. Bojaghi comes to public attention in 1983 when dr.Dong-Wha, director of the Museum of Korean Embroidery, exposed his collection of antique pieces at the National Museum of Folk Art in Seoul. Then the Koreans have realized how beautiful is this art. After 1990, Bojaghi techniques were made known to other countries, through conferences, workshops, etc.
Chunghie Lee, presedinta Korea Bojaghi Forum, a fost curatorul acestei expozitii si una dintre artistele prezenta in expozitie cu mai multe lucrari. Lucrarile Bojaghi sunt facute din matase, de cele mai multe ori vopsita manual si cusute manual. Ca tehnica se aseamana cu patchwork-ul, fiind vorba tot de ansamblarea unor bucatele de material prin coasere manuala, asta dand valoare lucrarilor. O lucrare contine doar doua straturi, un top (fata) si un dos, nu exista stratul intermediar (vatelina) ca la patchwork. De aceea lucrarile Bojaghi au o transparenta si o delicateta deosebita.
Chunghie Lee, President of Korea Bojaghi Forum, curated this exhibition and presented several works. Bojaghi works are made of silk, most often hand painted and handmade. As a technique resembles the patchwork, meaning the assembly of pieces of material, but by hand stitching, this being the value of the works. The works contain only two layers, a top (front) and one reverse, no intermediate layer (batting) as patchwork. This is why Bojaghi works have a transparent and a great delicacy.