"Dincolo de fire"
Am avut placerea de a admira, inca odata anul acesta, lucrarile artistelor Marijana Bitulescu si Georgeta Mocanu, de data aceasta in expozitia "Dincolo de fire" deschisa la galeria Orizont din Bucuresti. Marijana Bitulescu realizeaza niste colaje textile deosebite iar Georgeta Mocanu o tapiserie haut lisse impresionanta...
I had the pleasure to admire, again this year, Marijana Bitulescu and Georgeta Mocanu artworks, this time in the exhibition "Beyond the Fire" opened at the Horizon Gallery in Bucharest. Marijana Bitulescu made some special textile collages and Georgeta Mocanu an impressive haut lisse tapestry...
Marijana Bitulescu |
Marijana Bitulescu |
Marijana Bitulescu |
Georgeta Mocanu |
Georgeta Mocanu |
Felicitari artistelor!
Lucky you! What a wonderful show!!