duminică, 30 august 2015


Mi-am cumparat, acum cateva zile, o carte "Pictura in acuarela" precum si niste acuarele mai bune. Nu am prea pictat acuarela pana acum pentru ca mi se parea mai interesant sa lucrez cu acrilice.
Dar am zis, hai sa incerc! La inceput, ca o eleva constiincioasa, am facut un exercitiu cu flori, prezentat in carte....

I bought a few days ago a book "Painting in watercolor" and some best watercolors. I have not painted watercolor much until now because it seemed interesting to me to work with acrylic.
But I said, let's try! At first, as a conscientious student, I did an exercise with flowers, presented in the book ....

Hmmm, dar parca nu este ceva in stilul meu! Asa ca am lasat cartea de o parte si m-am apucat sa fac ceva cu capul meu....
But it seems that it's not my style! So I leave the book and I started to do something with my head. And look what came out....

Un prim exercitiu, de....incalzire.
First exercise...

Alta incercare, doua desene pe aceeasi pagina.
Another attempt, two drawings on the same page.

# 1

# 2

Apoi mi s-a parut ca trebuie sa mai adaug ceva...si am pus niste doodling cu tus.
Then I thought I should add something ... and I added some ink doodling.

# 1
sau, asa?
# 1
# 2
sau asa ?
# 2

Oare, mai trebuie ceva????
Maybe it needs something else????

miercuri, 19 august 2015

Jocul texturilor

De doua zile, vremea s-a mai racit. Dupa ce ne-am obisnuit cu canicula, cu temperaturile de 35 grade, acum vin ploile. In Bucuresti, temperaturile au scazut cu vreo 10 grade, dar e mai bine asa. Acum bate vantul si ne asteptam la furtuni. In tara, ploile si furtunile fac ravagii.

In the last two days, the weather was cold. After we have become accustomed to the heat, with temperatures of 35 degrees, now come rains. In Bucharest, temperatures dropped about 10 degrees, but it's better that way. Now we expect wind and storms. In the country, rains and storms produce ravage.

Este un timp placut pentru lucru. Am facut un colaj din materiale negre. Texturile fac diferenta...si asta am vrut sa vad. Imi place mult jocul lor. Am adaugat niste cusaturi decorative si un pic de culoare orage. Probabil voi mai adauga si alte benzi negre. In final, cred ca va rezulta o gentuta, deocamdata sunt fascinata de jocul texturilor.

It is a good time to work. I made a collage from black materials. Textures make the difference ... and that I wanted to see. I love their game. I put some decorative stitches and a little color orage. I will probably add other black bands. Finally, it will result an handbag, yet I am fascinated by the game of textures.


vineri, 7 august 2015

Emma si Sofia

Emma(6 ani) si Sofia(8 ani) sunt nepoatele Irinei, vecina si prietena mea. Fetitele au venit din Canada, in vacanta, la bunica lor. Pentru ele am cusut niste gentute, ca amintire de la mine.

Emma (6 years) and Sofia (8 years) are nieces of Irina, my neighbor and friend. Girls came from Canada, on vacation at their grandmother. To them I sewed some bags, a souvenir from me.

sâmbătă, 1 august 2015

Caldura mare....

Luna iulie a fost infernal de fierbine, parca niciodata nu a fost asa. Un val de caldura tropicala a navalit in Europa, pana la latitudini destul de mari.
De patru saptamani, in Bucuresti, diminetile au avut in jur de 30C, iar la amiaza temperaturile au trecut de 35C la umbra. In mod ciclic, in zilele de la mijlocul saptamanii, miercuri, joi si vineri a fost canicula, cu 38-40 de grade la umbra. Nici zona Transilvaniei, care in general este ferita de asemenea temperaturi, nu a scapat de canicula.

Asta noapte a plouat, a fost chiar furtuna, iar azi sunt 25-26 grade. Dar zilele toride revin, asa cum anunta prognozele meteo...pana cand, oare?

July was infernal hot, never seemed to happen. A tropical heat wave in Europe invaded up quite high latitudes.
For four weeks, in Bucharest, mornings started with 30C and in the afternoon temperatures passed 35C in the shade. Cyclical in midweek days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was the heat, with 38-40 degrees in the shade. It was also the heat in Transylvania, where temperaure are usually lower.

That night it rained, it was the storm, and today are 25 to 26 degrees. But hot days return, as announced forecasts ... until when?


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