marți, 28 aprilie 2015

Primavara capricioasa...

Primavara asta este foarte capricioasa.

Saptamana parca ar avea doua anotimpuri... doua-trei zile, foarte calduroase, apoi alte zile mai reci, chiar cu zece grade!! Ieri au fost in Bucuresti 26-27 grade, iar astazi este innorat si ploua. Se pare ca  asa va fi pana joi.
Sambata si duminica trecuta a fost o vreme minunata, foarte buna pentru plimbarea in Parcul Titan...Natura este fantastica! Iata cateva imagini.

This spring is very capricious.

As week would have two seasons ... two to three days, very hot, then other days cold even ten degrees !! Yesterday in Bucharest were 26-27 degrees, and today is cloudy and raining and it will be until Thursday.
Saturday and last Sunday was a wonderful time, great for walks in the park Titan ... Nature is fantastic!

miercuri, 15 aprilie 2015

Invitatia lui Beth (3). Ecology and Art

Acesta este al treilea articol invitat, postat ieri pe blogul lui Beth.
This is the third guest post on the Beth blog,

The world is full of plastic in all forms. Daily we collect plastic bags, plastic bottles, packaging, etc. Plastic bags are everywhere, we get to the supermarket or at the market, then we used to throw them in the trash. What will happen in time with these materials that are not biodegradable? It is a problem that will be difficult to solve. Finally, over the years, the Earth will be "infected" with such non-biodegradable materials that will intoxicate.
I thought recycle them and use them for artistic purposes, ie to create a different type of material, even very interesting, which include him in my artistic work.

Proceed as follows: pieces of plastic, cut the plastic bags, are placed in several layers (4-5 layers depending on their thickness) between two sheets of parchment paper and iron with ironing. It is preferable to work in an airy, because you never know what substances may be encountered, although I have not found it yet.

The result is a very interesting material, textures unpredictable, depending on the nature of the plastic material and heat treatment mode.
If the plastic is too thin, it result and some "tearing" or holes.

Then the fused plastics can be painted with acrylic ...
   Can be stitched…
Here, I sewed some leaves then I painted with acrylics...

Here I did a combination of plastic with textile and some gold metallic foil. I used machine free motion to do a drawing.

Here, I mixed fused plastics with metallic foil and some stitches…

Pay attention !!! any ironing can affect the plastic material and can damage what you did before. After painting or sewing is better not to use the iron!!!

In the last photo is the rezultat of this mistake. The sewed plastic, as you saw in the picture above, was ironed over and damaged ... but I solved fault ... I added some metallic foil under it .

And finally, a CD wrapped with a fused, painted, stitched plastic …a small painting.

marți, 14 aprilie 2015

A venit primavara!

In sfarsit, sper sa putem spune ca a venit primavara si nu mai pleaca, chiar daca mai sunt zile innorate sau ploioase. Totusi temperaturile sunt destul de mari pentru aceasta luna, se anunta 20-22 grade...
Parcul Titan este in floare, o minunatie!!
Va invit la o plimbare!

Finally, I hope we will say that spring is here and not go, even on cloudy or rainy days are still. However, temperatures are quite high for this month, announcing 20-22 degrees ...
Titan Park is in bloom, a marvel !!
I invite you for a walk!

Bunici si nepoti, la joaca in parc...
Grandparents and grandchildren to play in the park ...

Lacul Titan
Unii se plimba...  
Some people walk ...

Altii alearga...
Others run ...

sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2015

Invitatia lui Beth (2). Surface design

Acesta este al doilea articol postat, la invitatia lui Beth, in Fireblog. 
This is my second post on the Fireblog, 

I like to work with textiles and textile scraps especially. They inspire me in what to do with them.
Today I want to show you how I used the textile scraps to make cards.

I glued various textile patches, lace, etc. on a textile background and then I added some stitching with sewing machine for a better fit. Then I painted them with acrylic. Once dried, I add some decorative stitches. 


Then I cut rectangular pieces which I have set and glued on cardboard.
From the (1) surface I made these postcards.

 From the second piece (2), I made this...I added some stitches, beads, Angelina fibers, or gauze.

I hope you liked them,

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2015

Muzeul Satului, donatia Rita Sapira Sain

La Muzeul Satului, am vizitat o interesanta expozitie cu obiecte donate de Rita Sapira Sain. Am admirat costume populare, scoarte romanesti si bijuterii deosebite.

At Village Museum, Sunday, I have visited an interesting exhibition of Romanian folk objects donated by Rita Sapira Sain, sculptor. I admired some costumes from different regions of Romania, Romanian carpets and special jewelry.

Splendide broderii de margele...
Splendide beads embroidery ...

marți, 7 aprilie 2015

O plimbare in Muzeul Satului 

Duminica, de sarbatoarea Floriilor, a fost o zi calda si placuta. Am petrecut cateva ore minunate in Muzeul Satului, impreuna cu pictorita Letitia Oprisan. Mai intai am participat la vernisajul unei expozitii pe teme religioase organizate de UAP, apoi am facut o plimbare pe ulitele Muzeului satului.

On Sunday, the feast of Flowers, it was a warm and pleasant day. I spent wonderful hours in the Village Museum, Bucharest, with Letitia Oprisan- painter. First, we participated in opening of an exhibition organized by the UAP, religious matters, then we took a walk on the streets of the Village Museum.

 O echipa de lipoveni au sustinut un program artistic...


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