sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2015

Invitatia lui Beth (2). Surface design

Acesta este al doilea articol postat, la invitatia lui Beth, in Fireblog. 
This is my second post on the Fireblog,

I like to work with textiles and textile scraps especially. They inspire me in what to do with them.
Today I want to show you how I used the textile scraps to make cards.

I glued various textile patches, lace, etc. on a textile background and then I added some stitching with sewing machine for a better fit. Then I painted them with acrylic. Once dried, I add some decorative stitches. 


Then I cut rectangular pieces which I have set and glued on cardboard.
From the (1) surface I made these postcards.

 From the second piece (2), I made this...I added some stitches, beads, Angelina fibers, or gauze.

I hope you liked them,

3 comentarii:

  1. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  2. Foarte frumoase realizari. Felicitari!
    Sarbatori Pascale cat mai frumoase, alaturi de cei dragi!

  3. I enjoyed viewing your work and thought your pieces 'framed' with gauze were especially successful. Keep up the good work!


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