miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2014

Prin loboda...

Azi a fost o zi a vernisajelor, care aveau loc la aceeasi ora...Dar mai intai, am fost la expozitia Alinei Voda, "Prin loboda", deschisa in sala de expozitii de la Teatrul "C.Tanase" si apoi am fugit la expozitia Letitiei Oprisan. Lucrarile Alinei, ca intotdeauna, ne conduc intr-o lume minunata, vie si plina de culoare iar stilul ei este de neconfundat.

Today was a day of inaugurations, which took place at the same time ... But first, I went to the exhibition of Alina Voda, "By Loboda" opened in exhibition hall of  the "C.Tanase" Theatre and then I ran to Letitia Oprisan exhibition. Alina's works, as always, lead us into a wonderful world, vivid and colorful and her style is unmistakable.

                                        Felicitari, Alina !!!

Un comentariu:

  1. Really wonderful work !!!! First I thought it was embroidery, but I think these are paintings ?!?
    Love the colours !!! Thanks, Carmina ;-)


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