marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Gentute pentru Oana si Liana

Cadouri, pe care le-am facut cu drag, pentru doua domnisoare dragute, nepoate de-ale mele, Oana si Liana. Au fost confectionate din fasii de materiale de diferite culori si texturi, unite prin cusaturi decorative. Snurul este facut din trei fire de tricotat, rasucite si cusute cu zig-zag.

Gifts that I made with love for two lovely young ladies, nieces of mine, Oana and Liana. Handbags were made from strips of materials of different colors and textures, united together by decorative stitching. Cord is made of three knitting yarn, twisted and stitched with a zig-zag.

Gentuta Lianei-Fata


Gentuta Oanei_Fata


Ma bucur sa pot face bucurii!

3 comentarii:

  1. Your bags are lovely, what lucky girls they are. I've been catching up with your gorgeous work, mixed media & textiles, delicious!

  2. Des très jolis sacs, les jeunes femmes ont du être très heureuses.

  3. Wonderful bags! And unique! Lucky girls.


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