Ce surpriza !
Azi, facand ordine prin dulapuri, am avut o mare surpriza. Intr-o punga cu resturi textile am gasit aceasta bucata cusuta, care cred ca este de prin 1982-83. Este o piesa experimentala, nefinisata si ramasa asa de atunci....ce istorie!
Today tidying cupboards, I had a big surprise. In a bag with textile scraps I found this piece sewn, I think, by the year 1982 to 1983. It's an experimental, unfinished piece and remained so for many years.... what history!
Pe vremea aceea habar nu aveam ca exista arta textila, nu stiam de free motion, de quilting, dar simteam nevoia sa fac, sa creez asa ceva din acele bucati de textile...din moment ce am realizat aceasta lucrarica.
Se vede ca este un soi de applique. Am aplicat niste bucati de matase imprimata pe un fond de captuseala maron si am tras niste cusaturi zig-zag, care parca voiau sa fie intr-o "miscare libera" dar facuta fara piciorusul corespunzator.
Am fost tare uimita si induiosata de aceasta descoperire si incerc sa fiu indulgenta cu ceea ce puteam face la acel moment. Adevarul este ca, pe vremea aceea, imi cumparasem o masina de cusut electrica si eram tare entuziasta si dornica sa experimentez. Mai am si acum niste lucruri facute pe vremea aceea, pe care le voi prezenta poate intr-o zi...
At that time I had no idea of textile art, I knew nothing of free motion or quilting, but I felt so doing "something" with those pieces of textile materials ... and so resulted this work.
It seems to be a sort of applique. I applied some pieces of printed silk on a brown background and pulled some zig-zag, who wanted to be in free movement.
I was so amazed and moved by this discovery and try to be tolerant of what I could do at the time. The truth is that at that time, I bought an electric sewing machine and I was very enthusiastic and willing to experiment. I still have some things done on time, which I will present maybe one day ...
I know what you mean Carmina. I also look at my beginners work and even though it is basic or badly done, it still reflects me and my emotions, but most importantly it shows the driving forces that brought me here. Start of a journey that will hopefully last for many more years and be a great learning experience and great fun! Your piece looks great to me!