joi, 30 mai 2013

Salonul Artelor, 2013, Bucuresti


Ieri am vizitat Salonul Artelor, editia IV, gazduit de Sala de expozitii "Brancusi", de la Camera Deputatilor din Parlamentul Romaniei. Expozitia, care are tema "muzica elementelor primordiale", prezinta lucrari din toate domeniile artelor plastice, pictura, grafica, mixed media, tapiserie, textile, sticla, metal, lemn, ceramica, etc.
Este o expozitie impresionanta, o explozie de forme si culori!
Iata cateva din fotografiile pe care le-am facut in expozitie.

Yesterday I visited the Art Salon, fourth edition, which is hosted by the Exhibition Hall "Brancusi" from the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament. The exhibition, which is entitled "Music of the primordial elements" presents works from all fields of fine arts, painting, drawing, mixed media, tapestry, textiles, glass, metal, wood, ceramics, etc..
It is an impressive exhibition, an explosion of shapes and colors!
Here are some photos that I've done in the exhibition.

Mai multe fotografii puteti vedea aici.
More photos, here.

Bucurati-va de tot ce este frumos!

Un comentariu:

  1. Merci Carmina pour cette visite, il y a des superbes créations, la découverte de cette exposition a du être un enchantement.


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