sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2016

Ger in ianuarie...

De o saptamana, iarna s-a instalat in Romania. Un val de frig arctic a cuprins Europa de Est si a ajuns pana in Grecia si Turcia. Acum o saptamana (din 16 ianuarie) a inceput sa ninga, s-a depus o zapada consistenta, apoi au urmat zile si nopti geroase, cu temperaturi negative. Inainte de asta au fost zile cu temperaturi pozitive, pana la +10C, cu exceptia Anului Nou cand au foat cateva zile mai reci.
Prognoza meteo arata ca aceasta situatie va tine pana miercuri 27 ianuarie, dupa care urmeaza zile cu temperaturi mici dar pozitive...

For a week, winter was installed in Romania. An arctic cold wave swept Eastern Europe and ended up in Greece and Turkey. Last week (16 January) it started to snow, snow was filed consistency, then followed cold nights and days with negative temperatures. Before that there were days with positive temperatures up to + 10C, except New Year, when a couple of days were colder.
Forecast shows that this situation will last up Wednesday, January 27, followed by days with low temperatures but positive ...



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