sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2015

"Motive de iarna"

Joi, am participat la un eveniment deosebit, expozitia "Motive de iarna" organizata la Clubul Seniorilor "Codrii Neamtului" din sectorul 3 Bucuresti. Au fost prezentate diferite obiecte handmade, facute de doamnele participante la Terapii ocupationale la acest club. Trebuie sa spun ca am fost implicata si eu in acest eveniment. Am realizat si am indrumat cateva doamne participante ca sa faca ornamente textile de Craciun, impreuna cu d-na Anton Nastasia, responsabila acestui departament. Colaborarea noastra e foarte frumoasa si sper sa fie tot asa...
Iata cateva imagini de la acest eveniment...

Thursday, I participated in a special event at the Seniors Club "Codrii Neamtului" in Sector 3 Bucharest. Here was an exhibition "Winter Motive" with various handmade objects, made by the retired ladies, participating in occupational therapy at the club. I must say that I was involved myself in this event. I realized and I directed some ladies make Christmas textile ornaments.

Here are some pictures from the event ...

Dulciuri/ Sweets

Creatoarea dulciurilor/ sweets creator

Creatoarea prajiturilor/ cakes creator

Panou cu lucrari de grup/ group panel





Directorul Clubului acorda diplomele de participare

5 comentarii:

  1. I think the concept I find most amazing is that those are the exact sample gifts you would see at any holiday fair in any country. We are MUCH more alike than different. Lovely fair and I am in envy of your fabulous Senior Center!!

    1. Although there are national traditions that make the difference, yet there are common things, because we are people, human beings, and can therefore we feel the same and can use the same techniques .... thanks Beth!.

  2. Carmina,cine a lucrat produsele de pe panoul cu stelute si cizmulite?Totul arata foarte bine!Ma bucur ca esti la fel de activa!!!


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