Zile frumoase de toamna tarzie...
Dupa un septembrie foarte cald, primele zile din octombrie au fost foarte reci cu 8-10 grade in Bucuresti. Dupa acest soc, vremea s-a mai imblanzit. Pana acum cateva zile, copacii nu prea voiau sa-si scuture frunzele....Se pare ca avem parte de o toamna blanda si tarzie...
Am facut cateva poze din balconul meu, ca sa-mi amintesc.
After September very hot first days of October were very cold by 8-10 degrees in Bucharest. After this shock, the weather was more heated. Until a few days ago, the trees do not really want to shake the leaves .... It seems that we have a mild autumn and late ...
I took some pictures from my balcony, to remember it.
Anul trecut, in aceasta zi, a inceput sa ninga....se vede din acest video
Last year, on this day, it started to snow ....can see here
Great pics. Our fall in Maine has been late, mild and very gentle. Of course we both know what's around the corner (Brrrrrr)