Valea Draganului (2) La familia Farcas.
In a treia zi, am fost invitati de Teo si Doina Farcas la proprietatea lor, aflat pe un deal din Valea Draganului. A fost o adevarata aventura sa ajungem acolo. Pe un drum accidentat, impus de configuratia terenului deluros, nu se putea ajunge acolo decat cu niste masini puternice. De aceea ne-am imbarcat in masina lui Teo si a lui Mitica, singurele care indeplineau aceasta conditie.
Teo si Doina si-au cumparat aceasta proprietate taraneasca la care mai muncesc ca s-o modernizeze dar conservand fericit elementele de arhitectura rurala. Aici isi petrec vacantele, in natura, impreuna cu copii si nepotii.
On the third day, we were invited by Teo and Doina Farcas to visit their property, located on a hill in Dragan Valley. It was an adventure getting there. On a rough road, hilly terrain configuration required, could not get there than with some powerful machines. Therefore we used Teo and Mitica cars, the only satisfying this condition.
Teo and Doina have bought this rustic property, where they spend their vacations in nature, with children and grandchildren. They work to modernize it but preserve elements of Romanian rural architecture.
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O creatie de arhitectura rurala |
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Peisaje odihnitoare, cu dealuri line si mult verde....
Relaxing landscape of rolling hills and a lot of green ....
In return... we've become accustomed to the bumpy road.
A fost o zi de neuitat, multumesc Doina si Teo!!
It was an unforgettable day, thanks Doina and Teo !!
It looks so green and alive. Great day trip!
RăspundețiȘtergereVery lovely, greeting from Belgium in Mons.
Merci Louisette!