Excursia de 8 Martie (2)
Dupa Brasov ne-am indreptat spre Fagaras. Aici am vizitat Cetatea Fagarasului, despre care se spune ca este cetatea care nu a fost cucerita niciodata. Ea reprezinta cel mai impunator monument istoric al zonei. Constructia ei a debutat la sfarsitul secolului XIV-lea, fiind precedata de o fortificatie din lemn, inconjurata de un sant cu apa si val de pamant, datata din secolele XII-XIII. Cetatea a cunoscut mai multe transformari arhitecturale ulterioare devenind o curte princiara, resedinta pentru principii Transilvaniei si sotiile acestora. Aici a locuit si Mihai Viteazul cu sotia sa, doamna Stanca.
Azi, cetatea este o adevarata bijuterie arhitectonica care contine mai multe sali expozitionale. Ea a beneficiat de o refacere importanta facuta cu fonduri europene.
After Brasov, we went to Fagaras. Here we visited Fagaras Fortress, which is said to be the fortress which was never conquered. It is the most imposing monument of the area, whose construction began in the late fourteenth century and was preceded by a wooden fortress surrounded by a ditch and wall of earth, dating from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Fortress had several architectural changes, later became a princely court, a residence for princes of Transylvania and their wives. Michael the Brave lived here with his wife, Mrs. Stanca.
Today, Fagaras Fortress is an architectural jewel that contains several exhibition halls. It received a significant restoration of EU funds.
Cetatea Fagarasului - vedere generala |
Intrarea in Cetatea Fagarasului |
Curtea interioara |
Sala tronului |
Dormitorul Doamnei Stanca |
Cateva din exponatele aflate in salile muzeului...
Some of the exhibits in the museum's halls...
Catedrala din Fagaras |
A stunning fortress and beautiful textiles.