sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2015

1 Martie, martisor...

Ma bucur cand vine 1 Martie. Este un moment cand stim ca vom scapa de iarna. Timpul e foarte frumos, sunt temperaturi pozitive, se anunta 14 grade...
Dupa ce a trecut Valentin's day si Dragobetele, acum ne pregatim de Martisor si 8 Martie...care au mai multa semificatie pentru romani.
Dupa ce am tot amanat sa ma ocup de martisoare, azi am avut un mare entuziasm si am realizat cateva martizoare care vor merge la niste prietene. Probabil ca a fost necesar sa aman momentul, pentru ca nu am avut inspiratie, sau am asteptat ca sa se "coaca" ideile.
Anul acesta am facut altceva decat in anii trecuti.
Martisoarele mele nu seamana deloc cu martisoarele traditionale.... asa le vreau eu !

I'm glad when it comes March 1. It is a time when I know that we will rid of winter. Time is very nice, the temperatures are positive, it announces 14 degrees ...
After passing Valentine's day and
Dragobetele, now we are preparing for March 1-Martzisor and March 8 ... which have more significance here in Romania.
After I delayed to deal with Martzisor, today I had a great enthusiasm and I made some Martzisors, as gifts for some friends. Perhaps it was necessary to delay the time, because I had no inspiration and I expected to "ripen" ideas.
This year I had other ideas as in previous years.

My March amulets nothing like traditional martisoare ....

 Lucrul incepe cu o mare "dezordine" creativa...
The work starts with a great creative "disorder" ...

Apoi lucrurile se sistematizeaza, se clarifica tehnologia si trec la treaba pana termin totul...
Am folosit bucatele de voal pictate, ca suport, care au fost lipite pe carton. In colaje am pus bucatele de textil, fire angelina, staniol, tyvek, tulle, margele...si bineinteles, martisoare.

Then it systematizes the things, I clarify the technology and get to work, to finish everything ...
I used pieces of painted gauze as support, which were pasted on cardboard. In collage I put pieces of fabric, angelina threads, metallic foil, Tyvek, tulle, beads... and of course, martzisoare.

Martzisor is made of two twisted silk threads, white and red, which ends tassels.

Iata ce a iesit!
Here's what came out!

                               Sa aveti o primavara minunata!
                                  Have a wonderful spring!

vineri, 6 februarie 2015


Zilele trecute, am primit un pachet cu plicuri de tyvek de la Beth, o prietena din SUA cu care impartasesc aceleasi pasiuni artistice. 
Multumesc, Beth!

A few days ago, I received a package with Tyvek envelopes from Beth, a friend from the US who share the same artistic passions with me. 

Thank you, Beth!

Tyvek este denumirea unui material izolant, descoperit in 1955 si introdus in circuitul comercial din SUA in 1967. Este un material hidroizolant (impermeabil pentru apa dar permeabil pentru vaporii de apa) si are o rezistenta mare la rupere, dar poate fi taiat. Dupa aspect, Tyvek seamana cu hartia (de exemplu se poate scrie pe tyvek sau se poate imprima) dar nu este hartie. Este un material netesut, facut din filamente foarte subtiri de polietilena (0.5-10 microni), distribuite dezordonat, de aceea este mai flexibil si mai rezistent decat hartia. Datorita proprietatilor lui, tyvek-ul este folosit in constructii, in industria materialelor de protectie, pentru ambalaje (plicuri, ambalarea materialelor medicale), etc.

La fel ca si pungile de polietilena, el este greu reciclabil. O forma de reciclare ar fi reutilizarea lui "artistica" si din fericire exista multe posibilitati artistice de "reutilizare" care merita incercate.

Tyvek is the name of an insulating material, discovered in 1955 and placed in commercial distribution in the US in 1967. Tyvek is a waterproof material (impermeable to water but permeable to water vapor) and has a high resistance to breakage, but it can be cut. After the appearance, Tyvek looks like paper (eg. can write on Tyvek or you can print) but is not paper. It is a nonwoven material, made from very thin filaments of polyethylene (0.5-10 microns) disordered distributed, so it is more flexible and durable than paper. Because of its properties, Tyvek is used in construction, in protection materials industry, for packaging (envelopes, packaging, medical supplies), etc. 

Like polyethylene bags, it is hard recyclable. One form of recycling is by artistic reuse it and fortunately there are many artistic possibilities of "reuse"... worth trying.

Si am trecut la folosirea tyvek-lui. Este adevarat, nu e pentru prima...
Am aplicat, mai intai, un strat subtire de colorant acrilic.
And I went to use Tyvek. It is true, not for the first time ...
At first I applied a thin layer of acrylic dye.

Apoi am asezat o bucata de tyvek intre doua foi de hartie de copt si am calcat fara aburi...tyvek-ul se "increteste" la calcat, din cauza plasticului. Daca temperatura este foarte inalta, efectul se obtine foarte rapid si este incontrolabil. Rezultatele sunt total imprevizibile.

Then I placed a piece of Tyvek between two sheets of baking paper and ironing...tyvek has "wrinkled", because the plastic. If the temperature is very high, the effect is obtained very quickly and is uncontrollable. Here are the results...

Si cateva detalii...
Some details...

Sunt foarte incantata de aceste bucatele si abia astept sa le folosesc...
I am very excited about these pieces and I only expect to use them ...

marți, 3 februarie 2015

Alte incercari...

Am reincercat metoda descrisa intr-un articol anterior, dar cu alte tipuri de hartie.
Aici este o pagina luata dintr-o revista de fizica, se vad formule, grafice...este o hartie cam subtire, fara prea mare consistenta, dar acrilicul a prins frumos.

I retried the method described in a previous article, but other types of paper.
Here is a page taken from a physics journal, can be seen formulas, graphs ... is a little thin paper, without much consistency, but acrylic caught nice.

Aici sunt niste detalii. Am mai adaugat putine "corecturi cromatice" cu un creion pastel.
Here are some details. I added little "color correction" with a pastel pencil.

Aici am folosit o hartie "aurita" in care este ambalata cafeua. Acrilicul a prins mai putin bine, dar sunt efecte interesante pe fondul auriu. Am pus ca masca o frunza uscata care s-a lipit de hartie.

Here I used a "golden" paper in which coffee is packaged. Acrylic caught less well, but interesting effects occur on the golden background. I put as mask dry leaves that stuck to the paper.

Aici am pictat o hartie de ambalaj, usor cerata, pe care am pus si doua frunze, ca masti.
Here I painted a wrapping paper, slightly waxed, I put two leaves as masks.

Mai jos este ultimul experiment pe azi, facut pe hartia de acuarela. Aceasta absoarbe repede apa si vopseaua acrilica se usuca, asa ca e necesar sa se lucreze repede.
Below is the last experiment today, on watercolor paper. It quickly absorbs water and acrylic paint dries, so it's necessary to work quickly.

Toate acestea le voi folosi ca background-uri in alte lucrari....
I will use them as backgrounds in other works ....


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