miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2015

Astazi, mixed media...

Azi m-am gandit sa refolosesc o bucata de hartie pe care am sters pensula de culorile acrilice cand am lucrat altadata. Am lipit pe ea niste bucatele de hartie, staniol sau plicuri de ceai.

Today I thought to reuse a piece of paper used to remove acrylic colors on the brush with which I worked another time. I glued on it some pieces of paper, foil or tea sachets.

Am adaugat niste culori acrilice...
I added some acrylic ...

Am mai lipit niste bucatele textile si am pus niste cercuri albe si niste auriu ca sa mai lumineze decorul...
I have attached some textile pieces and put some white circles and some gold to glowing decor ...

Am mai lipit doua litere, dar apoi pe una am dezlipit-o...
I have pasted two letters, but then I unglued one...

si in final arata asa...
and finally look like this ...

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2015

Primele experimente in 2015...

Am inceput acest an experimentand o tehnica noua. Nu este grea si da efecte foarte interesante.
Am lucrat pe hartie usor cerata. Am umezit-o bine cu apa si am adaugat apoi culorile acrilice. Deasupra ei am asezat o folie de plastic care se increteste pe pagina uda. Am lasat-o sa se usuce bine si apoi am scos plasticul. 

This year I started experimenting with a new technique. There is no difficult and give very interesting effects. I worked on the piece of paper, slightly waxy. I sprayed it with water and then I added acrylic colors. Above the wet sheet I placed a plastic sheet. I left it to dry thoroughly and then I removed the plastic.

Rezultatele sunt incantatoare, imi plac foarte mult....In fotografii nu se pot vedea, dar apar niste efecte de stralucire in zonele care au fost atinse de plastic.

Results are lovely, I like very much .... In these photos is not observed, but there are some effects of brightness in areas that were affected by plastic.


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