Astazi, mixed media...
Azi m-am gandit sa refolosesc o bucata de hartie pe care am sters pensula de culorile acrilice cand am lucrat altadata. Am lipit pe ea niste bucatele de hartie, staniol sau plicuri de ceai.
Today I thought to reuse a piece of paper used to remove acrylic colors on the brush with which I worked another time. I glued on it some pieces of paper, foil or tea sachets.
Am adaugat niste culori acrilice...
I added some acrylic ...
Am mai lipit niste bucatele textile si am pus niste cercuri albe si niste auriu ca sa mai lumineze decorul...
I have attached some textile pieces and put some white circles and some gold to glowing decor ...
Am mai lipit doua litere, dar apoi pe una am dezlipit-o...
I have pasted two letters, but then I unglued one...
si in final arata asa...
and finally look like this ...