Primele experimente in 2015...
Am inceput acest an experimentand o tehnica noua. Nu este grea si da efecte foarte interesante.
Am lucrat pe hartie usor cerata. Am umezit-o bine cu apa si am adaugat apoi culorile acrilice. Deasupra ei am asezat o folie de plastic care se increteste pe pagina uda. Am lasat-o sa se usuce bine si apoi am scos plasticul.
This year I started experimenting with a new technique. There is no difficult and give very interesting effects. I worked on the piece of paper, slightly waxy. I sprayed it with water and then I added acrylic colors. Above the wet sheet I placed a plastic sheet. I left it to dry thoroughly and then I removed the plastic.
Results are lovely, I like very much .... In these photos is not observed, but there are some effects of brightness in areas that were affected by plastic.
I like this very much - very effective
RăspundețiȘtergereI love it. The acrylics give such nice bright colors. I have used this technique with watercolors but the acrylics are so bright and bold and TEXTURED
RăspundețiȘtergereLovely zingy colours. By plastic sheet I think you must mean cling film or food wrap plastic. A great background technique ( I am very into backgrounds just now!)