duminică, 23 noiembrie 2014

Expozitia "Centenar"

La Galeria Dialog din Bucuresti s-a deschis o expozitie de pictura dedicata pictorilor Aurel Cojan, Eugen Dragutescu si Alexandru Tipoia, care s-au nascut in acelasi an, 1914. De aceea expozitia, organizata de d-na Ruxandra Garofeanu, poarta acest nume. Am fost la vernisaj, impreuna cu Letitia Oprisan.

In the Dialogue Gallery in Bucharest was opened an exhibition of paintings dedicated to the painter Aurel Cojan, Eugen Drăguţescu and Alexander Tipoia, who were born in the same year, 1914. Therefore the exhibition, organized by Mrs. Ruxandra Garofeanu, has the name "centenary ". I was at the opening, with Letitia Oprisan.

vineri, 21 noiembrie 2014

Expozitia "Decorativ Art"

Expozitia de arta decorativa "Decorativ Art" deschisa la Sala Brancusi, de la Camera Deputatilor, este un eveniment care nu trebuia pierdut. Am fost joi, pe o ploaie care nu a contenit toata ziua.

Sunt fascinata de ceea ce am vazut, lucrari de arta textila, ceramica, sticla, metal si tehnici mixte. Au expus 51 artisti in arta textila, 29 artisti ceramisti, 9 artisti in domeniul sticlei, 21 in metal si 23 in tehnica mixta, asa cum rezulta din Catalogul expozitiei. Am facut foarte multe fotografii, dar nu pot posta decat cateva....

Decorative art exhibition "Decorative Art" opened Brancusi Hall, the Chamber of Deputies is an event not to be missed. I was Thursday, the rain has not ceased all day.

I am fascinated by what I saw, works of textile art, ceramics, glass and metal,
51 artists exhibited in textile art, artists ceramists 29, 9 artists in the field of glass, metal 23 artists and 21 in mixed technique. I did a lot of photos, but I can not post more than a few ....

Adriana Dobra

Ana Maria Rugescu

Aura Popescu

Viorela Mihaescu

Hermina Csata
Daniela Frumuseanu

Marijana Bitulescu
Gabriela Cristu

marți, 11 noiembrie 2014

Fara cuvinte...

Am reluat lucrul la lucrarile monoprintate cu  cateva saptamani in urma, aici....si am adaugat cateva "linii".
Si iata ce a iesit...

I have resumed the work on monoprinted works, made a few weeks ago, here, .... and I added a few "lines".
And here's what came out ...

joi, 6 noiembrie 2014

Timp si memorie

Miercuri 5 noiembrie, am fost la vernisajul expozitiei "Timp si memorie" deschisa la Sala Signum, aflata la parterul Facultatii de cibernetica din Calea Dorobanti nr.13-15. Aici pot fi vazute picturile prietenei mele, pictorita Letitia Oprisan, pline de culoare si expresivitate si lucrarile delicate, ca o adevarata dantelarie, "sapata" in marmora de sculptorul Nicolae Razvan Mincu.

Wednesday, November 5th, I was at the exhibition "Time and Memory" opened in Signum Hall, located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Cybernetics, Dorobanti nr.13-15. Here can be seen the paintings of my friend, painter Letitia Oprisan, colorful and expressive and the delicate works, a real lace, "carved" in marble by sculptor Nicolae Razvan Mincu.

miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2014

Prin loboda...

Azi a fost o zi a vernisajelor, care aveau loc la aceeasi ora...Dar mai intai, am fost la expozitia Alinei Voda, "Prin loboda", deschisa in sala de expozitii de la Teatrul "C.Tanase" si apoi am fugit la expozitia Letitiei Oprisan. Lucrarile Alinei, ca intotdeauna, ne conduc intr-o lume minunata, vie si plina de culoare iar stilul ei este de neconfundat.

Today was a day of inaugurations, which took place at the same time ... But first, I went to the exhibition of Alina Voda, "By Loboda" opened in exhibition hall of  the "C.Tanase" Theatre and then I ran to Letitia Oprisan exhibition. Alina's works, as always, lead us into a wonderful world, vivid and colorful and her style is unmistakable.

                                        Felicitari, Alina !!!


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