Expozitia "Centenar"
La Galeria Dialog din Bucuresti s-a deschis o expozitie de pictura dedicata pictorilor Aurel Cojan, Eugen Dragutescu si Alexandru Tipoia, care s-au nascut in acelasi an, 1914. De aceea expozitia, organizata de d-na Ruxandra Garofeanu, poarta acest nume. Am fost la vernisaj, impreuna cu Letitia Oprisan.
In the Dialogue Gallery in Bucharest was opened an exhibition of paintings dedicated to the painter Aurel Cojan, Eugen Drăguţescu and Alexander Tipoia, who were born in the same year, 1914. Therefore the exhibition, organized by Mrs. Ruxandra Garofeanu, has the name "centenary ". I was at the opening, with Letitia Oprisan.