Work in progress...
Inainte de a pleca intr-o vacanta in Turcia, iata unul din proiectele mele, in curs de desfasurare... Marea mea pasiune pentru surface design, din resturi de textile, fire, staniol, ceva dantela, etc., lipite pe un suport textil si fixate putin cu niste cusaturi simple.
Before going on a vacation in Turkey, here's one of my projects in progress...My great passion for surface design, from textile pieces , yarns, foil, some lace, etc., glued to a cloth and secured a little with some simple stitches.
Bucatele folositoare... |
Apoi am pictat totul cu acrilice, dupa inspiratie, si am facut cateva cusaturi libere, free motion stitching, cu masina de cusut. Urmeaza sa finalizez in niste carduri textile, daca nu-mi mai vin niste idei in Turcia...
Then I painted it with acrylics, as inspiration and made some free motion stitching with sewing machine. I will finish them as textile cards, if I do not get some other ideas in Turkey...
Colaj #1 |
Colaj #2 |
And some details...I love a lot this combination of textures and colors.
love the colours !
RăspundețiȘtergere(are you stitching with or without water soluble ?)
Thank you, Els! I have not used water soluble. I'm simply fix the pieces on a foundation fabric with glue, and then after it has dried, I've stabilized it with some stitches with the sewing machine, if necessary, then I painted with acrylics.