sâmbătă, 15 februarie 2014

Pentru Valentin's day

Mi se intampla sa nu lucrez pentru multa vreme. As spune ca e vorba de lene, dar nu e chiar asa...in timpul asta se produc idei, este o lene creativa. Si deodata, apare momentul de inspiratie, cand te asezi si lucrezi.... asa mi s-a intamplat ieri. Am facut niste carduri cu inimioare cu ocazia zilei indragostitilor, Valentin Day. Sunt colaje de hartie si alte materiale. Imi place sa realizez astfel de combinatii.

Sometimes I do not work for long. I'd say it's laziness, but it is not ... in that time producing ideas, is a creative laziness. Suddenly, inspiration comes and you sit down and work .... it happened to me yesterday. I made some cards with hearts for Valentine's Day. They are collages of paper and other materials. I like to make such combinations.

Am sprijinit aceste carduri pe cartile mele de fizica din biblioteca. Acum locul fizicii a fost luat de arta.   I placed these postcard on my books of physics in the library. Now the place of physics, was taken by the art.

Dupa ce am postat aceste fotografii si le-am vazut mai bine imi dau seama ce semifica, lucru pe care atunci cand lucram il  materializam doar si poate nu-l constientizam. Asa imi venea sa fac! Este vorba de a darui din toata inima ceea ce este mai frumos in ea. Culoarea semifica pentru mine bucuria si ea se revarsa in diferite moduri....     

After I posted these photos and I've seen better, I realize what they represent, so that when I was working I just materialize it and maybe I do not realize. So I could do! It is to give wholeheartedly what is beautiful in it. Color means to me joy and it flows in different ways ....

Aici este o idee...colaterala si plina de simplitate. Cred ca va place. Mie, imi place.  Here is an idea ... collateral and full of simplicity. I think you will like it. Me, I like it.

4 comentarii:

  1. I tried to leave a comment, but something went wrong! So, here it is again! Your cards are amazing! What a beautiful collection, so inspiring! I just love your collages!

    1. Thank you Sonja! Here are only some cards, I could't post all of them.

  2. I love color too, your cards & collage are lovely ;)


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