vineri, 27 decembrie 2013

Decembrie fara zapada...

Anul acesta, in Bucuresti, decembrie pare ca trece fara zapada. A fulguit putin, dar nu s-a depus zapada. Ziua temperaturile sunt pozitive, cateva grade peste zero. Noaptea, temperaturi negative aduna promoroaca pe copaci, doar atat. O vreme potrivita pentru plimbari prin parc...

This year, in Bucharest, December seems to pass without snow. A little snowing lightly, but not deposited snow. Day temperatures are positive, a few degrees above zero. At night, negative temperatures gather the frost on the trees, that's all. A suitable time for walking in the park ... 

Noaptea, apa lacului prinde o pojghita de gheata care se topeste ziua.
At night, the lake catch a crust of ice that melts the day.

Bucurestiul a fost impodobit de sarbatori cu ghirlande luminoase...
Bucharest was decorated for the holidays with Christmas lights ...

Sarbatori fericite !
Happy Holidays !

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