Zilele de sambata si duminica le-am petrecut la Targoviste, la invitatia doctoritei Maria D. pe care am cunoscut-o in excursia din Israel. Nu am fost pana acum la Targoviste si m-am bucurat de aceasta ocazie, ca sa vad niste locuri minunate, chiar daca vremea a fost destul de neprielnica in acele zile.
Sambata am fost la Manastirea Dealul, al carui site se poate vedea
aici, iar duminica, la
Manastirea Viforata, niste locuri linistite, pline de istorie si har... Am stat la slujba religioasa, am vizitat imprejurimile si muzeele manastirilor dar nu am reusit sa fac niste poze bune. Mai multe informatii si fotografii, decat as putea prezenta eu aici, se afla pe siturile de mai sus.
Duminica dupamasa am fost la
Curtea Domneasca, am urcat in Turnul Chindiei si am vizitat Muzeul tiparului. Curtea Domneasca dateaza de la inceputul sec.XV cand Targoviste era capitala Tarii Romanesti.
Iata niste fotografii facute din Turnul Chindiei si care surprind, de sus, Curtea Domneasca si imprejurimile...
Saturday and Sunday I spent at Targoviste, invited by the doctor Maria D. I met in my travel in Israel.
far, I have not been in Targoviste and I enjoyed the opportunity to see
some wonderful places, even if the weather was quite inhospitable in
those days.Saturday we went to the Monastery Dealul , whose website can be seen here , and on
Sunday at the Monastery Viforata Manastirea Viforata, some quiet places full of history and
grace ... we attend the religious services, we visited monasteries surroundings and museums but I was not able to take good pictures. More information and photos, than I could present myself here, lies on the sites above.
Sunday afternoon we went at the Curtea Domneasca (Royal Court), Chindia Tower and we visited the Museum of Printing. Royal Court dating from the early fifteenth century, when Targoviste was the capital of Romanian Country .
Here are some photos taken from Chindia Tower, they capture Royal Court and the surrounding.