miercuri, 30 octombrie 2013

Icoanele Sf. Maria 

Pelerinajul in Israel a urmarit, in principal, vizitarea unor obiective religioase, biserici romanesti, grecesti, rusesti sau armene. Am facut peste 1000 de fotografii. Dintre acestea incerc sa redau mai jos pe cele care reprezinta pe Maica Domnului cu Pruncul.
Pilgrimage in Israel aimed mainly visiting religious objectives, churches Romanian, Greek, Russian or Armenian. I made over 1000 photos. Among them try to give below those representing the Virgin with Child.

Fecioara Maria cu Pruncul -de la Bethleem

Fecioara Maria cu Pruncul -de la Bethleem

Fecioara Maria cu Pruncul - de la Ierusalim

Paraclisul maicii Domnului pe Golgota

Asezamantul romanesc de la Ierihon - o frumoasa icoana, flancata de doua tapiserii semnate de Cella Neamtu

Biserica Sf. Gheorghe de la Lod

Pe Via Dolorosa, am intrat in impresionanta biserica ruseasca "Pogorarea Sf.Duh". Nu pot uita aceasta biserica, cu picturile si icoanele ei deosebite. Erau tablouri care ilustrau calvarul lui Cristos pe Drumul Crucii. La intrare, o tanara foarte frumoasa, imbracata in vesminte care aminteau de vremurile lui Isus Cristos, vindea icoane de argint. M-a impresionat figura ei ingereasca si i-am cerut permisiunea sa-i fac o fotografie. 

On the Via Dolorosa, we entered the impressive Russian church "Sf.Duh Descent". I can not forget this church, with its remarkable paintings and icons. There were paintings illustrating Christ's agony on the Cross Road. At the entrance, a beautiful young woman dressed in clothing reminiscent of the times of Jesus Christ, selling silver icons. I was impressed by her angelic face and I asked her permission to take a picture.

marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Journey inspiration

In pelerinajul din Israel, am vazut si multe alte lucruri care cred ca ma vor inspira cu siguranta... de exemplu, placile de piatra cu care au fost placate zidurile sau vechile drumuri...

In the pilgrimage of Israel, I found some things that I think will inspire me... Stone plates, with which have been coated the walls ...

Nu puteam sa nu observ si pavajele de la intrarea in Biserica Sf. Mormant, vechi de sute de ani si slefuite de pasii milioanelor de pelerini care au trecut pe aici.

Pavements at the entrance of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, hundred years old and smoothed by the steps of millions of pilgrims who passed by.

joi, 24 octombrie 2013

Journey to holy places in Israel

Sapte zile, intre 11-17 octombrie, am facut o calatorie-pelerinaj la locurile sfinte, in Israel. A fost o calatorie foarte densa, am vazut o tara si locuri foarte interesante si am dobandit multe cunostiinte. 

Dupa o intarziere de o ora si jumatate, avionul a decolat de pe aeroportul Henry Coanda-Bucuresti si am aterizat in noaptea de 11 octombrie pe aeroportul Ben Gurion din Tel Aviv, de unde ne-a luat un autocar si ne-am indreptat spre Netanya unde am fost cazati la hotelul King Solomon. De aici, traseul urmat a fost Haifa, Nazareth, Cana Galileii, Tiberias, Jerihon, Bethleem, Jerusalim si am fost cazati la Tiberias si Bethleem.. 

Am fost la Haifa (Biserica Stella Maris, gradinile Templului Baha'i), la ruinele Capernaum, Tagba (biserica ce aminteste hranirea a 5000 de oameni cu 5 paini si 2 pesti, Biserica Sf.Petru), pe Muntele fericirilor, la Nazareth (Biserica ortodoxa Sf.Gavril si Biserica catolica Buna Vestire), la Cana Galileei (Biserica Minunii transformarii apei in vin), pe muntele Tabor (biserica ortodoxa "Schimbarea la fata"), Ein Karem (Biserica Nasterii Sf.Ioan Botezatorul,), la Bethleem (Manastirea Sf.Teodosie, Grota Laptelui, Biserica Nasterii Lui Isus Cristos). La Ierusalim am fost pe Muntele Maslinilor (Biserica Inaltarii, Pater Noster, Domnius Flevit, gradina Ghetzimani, Biserica Natiunilor, mormantul Maicii Domnului), in cetatea Ierusalimului (casa in care a locuit Fecioara Maria, Calea Crucii-Via Dolorosa, Biserica Sfintei Invieri, Golgota, Sfantul Mormant, Piatra Ungerii) pe muntele Sion si la Zidul Plangerii.  
Am fost la Marea Galileii, la raul Iordan, la Marea Moarta, la Qumran-locul unde s-au gasit celebrele manuscrise de la Marea Moarta (aici se afla centrul Ahava de unde se pot cumpara produsele cosmetice de la Marea Moarta). 

Am vizitat Asezamintele Romanesti Ortodoxe de la Ierihon si Ierusalim. 
Am fost in desert la Hozeva (la Manastirea Sf.Gheorghe unde se pastreaza moastele Sf.Ioan Iacob Romanul) si la Manastirea Sf.Sava. La plecarea din Ierusalim am trecut pe la Lod unde se afla mormantul si moastele Sf.Gheorghe.

Dupa atatea drumuri mi s-a facut dor de Romania, cu muntii, marea, raurile, dealurile ei, cu padurile in culorile toamnei sau primaverii, cu flori si copaci, cu vecinii si prietenii mei....
Am facut peste 1000 de fotografii la care mai am de lucru ca sa le procesez. 
Sunt foarte multe lucruri de povestit....
Iata cateva imagini din aceasta calatorie....

Seven days, from October 11 to 17, I made a trip-pilgrimage to the holy places in Israel. It was a very dense journey, we saw a very interesting country and places we gained more knowledge.

After a delay of an hour and a half, the plane took off from the Henry Coanda-Bucharest airport and landed on the night of October 11 at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. We were taken to coach bus and we went to Netanya where we were staying at the King Solomon Hotel. From here, the route followed was Haifa, Nazareth, Cana, Tiberias, Jerihon, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and was staying at Tiberias and Bethlehem ...

We were in Haifa (Stella Maris Church, Temple Baha'i gardens), the ruins of Capernaum, Tagba (church which reminds of feeding 5,000 people with five bread and two fishes, Church of St. Peter), Mount of Beatitudes, Nazareth (Sf.Gavril Orthodox Church and Catholic Church of the Annunciation), Cana (Church of water transformation into wine), Mount Tabor (the Orthodox Church "Transfiguration"), Ein Karem (Birth Church of St. John the Baptist), in Bethlehem (Sf.Teodosie Monastery, Milk Grotto, Church of the Nativity of Jesus Christ). Then we visited Jerusalem: the Mount of Olives (Church of the Ascension, Pater Noster, Domnius Flevit, garden Ghetzimani, the Church of Nations, Virgin tomb), the house where the Virgin Mary lived, Way of the Cross-Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Resurrection, Calvary, Holy Sepulchre, Anointing Stone, the Mount Zion, the Wailing Wall.
We were at the Sea of ​​Galilee, at Jordan River, Dead Sea, Qumran, where the famous manuscripts were found (here is the Ahava Center where you can buy cosmetics from the Dead Sea).

We visited the Romanian Orthodox Settlements at Jericho and Jerusalem.
We were in the desert, where we saw the St. Sava Monastery and the Monastery of St.George where are the relics of the romanian St. John Jacob. Leaving Jerusalem, we went to Lod where there are the tomb and relics of St.George.

After so many ways, I felt miss Romania, with its mountains, Black Sea, its rivers, its hills, with the forests in autumn or spring colors, flowers and trees, neighbors and friends ....
I made over 1000 photos that I have work to process it.

There are many things to talk...

Here are some pictures of this journey ....



Marea Galileii

Marea Moarta

Raul Iordan

Imagini din deset

Manastirea  Sf. Sava
Manastirea  Sf. Gheorghe, de la Hoseva
Gradina Ghetsimani
Via Dolorosa

Intrarea la Biserica Sf. Mormant
Asezamantul ortodox romanesc de la Ierihon
Asezamantul ortodox romanesc de la Ierusalim


miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

In continuare....

Cu inimioarele de hartie, prezentate in articolul precedent am facut niste carduri. Colajele au fost facute din diferite materiale. Alegerea este inepuizabila....
 I made ​​some cards with the paper hearts presented in the previous article.
Collages were made from different materials. The choice is inexhaustible ....



Bucurati-va de frumos!
Enjoy beautiful!

luni, 7 octombrie 2013


Colajelor de hartie, prezentate in articolul precedent, le-am mai adaugat niste elemente decorative si am facut apoi niste inimioare...
Collages of paper, presented in the previous article, I added some decorative items and then I made some hearts ..
 sau asa...  or so ...

Va urma...
To be continued...


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