Experimente cu hartie
In ultimele zile ale lui septembrie a fost foarte frig...luni si marti a plouat in continuu si a batut un vant puternic. Prognoza nu e prea buna, nici luna octombrie nu pare sa fie prea prietenoasa. Imi aduc aminte cum anul trecut, in octombrie, erau temperaturi de peste 20 grade C.
Azi am incercat ceva nou, un experiment de colaje de hartie, inspirata de Kim Thittichai.
Pentru inceput, iata ce a iesit...
In the last days of September was very cold ... Monday and Tuesday it rained continuously and beat a strong wind. Weather not too good, nor October does not seem to be too friendly. I remember last year in October, were temperatures above 20 degrees C.
Today I tried something new, an experiment of paper collages inspired by Kim Thittichai.
For the beginning, here's what came out ...
Apoi am mai adaugat cate ceva, se observa?
Then I added something, is observed?
To be continued .....
Tes collages sont très réussis, bravo !!!! J'aime beaucoup le travail de Kim Thittichai
RăspundețiȘtergereIci il fait très chaud.
Merci, Solange...chez nous il fait tres froid, des temperatures moins que 10C. Brrrrr.....