Cetatile Ponorului
Nu am mai postat cam demult pe blog pentru ca am fost plecata intr-o vacanta de doua saptamani, in Transilvania. Ne-am intalnit, la Cluj, cativa colegi de facultate cu care am mers apoi, pentru cateva zile, la o pensiune din Muntii Apuseni. Am fost gazduiti la pensiunea "Alex" de la Ic Ponor, pe malul raului Somesul cald, unde am fost tare bine primiti. De acolo am facut cateva drumetii prin munti, la Padis, Cetatile Ponorului, Pietrele Galbenei si la ghetarul Focul viu. Am avut si o intamplare nefericita. Pentru ca drumul prin munte era cam umed, plin de pietre si radacini de copaci, dupa ce am iesit din zona numita "Balcoane" de unde am admirat de sus Cetatile Ponorului, o colega de-a noastra, venita din Canada, a alunecat si a cazut de la o inaltime cam de 1,5m si a fost nevoie sa chemam Salvamontul. Baietii de la Salvamont au venit neasteptat de repede, cam in 15-20 de minute, au luat-o pe targa si au dus-o in campingul Glavoi de unde plecasem. Acolo au venit paramedicii de la serviciul Smurd si in final, pentru ca vremea nu permitea aterizarea unui helicopter, a fost chemata o ambulanta si a fost dusa la Spitalul Judetean din Oradea. Inca o data vreau sa apreciez munca tinerilor voluntari anonimi de la Salvamont si Smurd care s-au miscat foarte repede, au fost foarte eficienti si de buna credinta. La spital a fost tratata foarte bine, in aceeasi noapte i s-au facut investigatiile necesare, inclusiv o investigatie cu computerul tomograf. Din fericire, nu a fost ceva foarte grav, doar fracturi la doua vertebre cervicale fara sa fie pusa in pericol maduva spinarii. A doua zi, pe la amiaza, am ajuns la ea, la spital....
A long time ago I posted in my blog because I was going on a two week vacation in Transylvania. We met in Cluj, some faculty colleagues and we went for a few days at a guesthouse in the Apuseni Mountains. We were housed at the guesthouse "Alex" on Ic Ponor, the Warm Somes river, where we were very well received. From there we did some hiking through the mountains, at Padis, Fortress of Ponor, Yellow's stones and Alive fire Glacier. During the trip, we had an unfortunate accident. For the mountain road was a little wet, full of rocks and roots of trees, after we left the area called "Balcony" where we admired the top Fortress of Ponor, a colleague of ours, coming from Canada, slipped and fell from a height of about 1.5 m and we have called Mountain Rescue. The guys from Mountain Rescue came unexpectedly quickly, in about 15-20 minutes and took her on a stretcher, in the camping Glavoi. There, Smurd service paramedics came and finally, as weather did not permit the landing of a helicopter, was called an ambulance and she was taken to the District Hospital of Oradea. Again I appreciate the work of young volunteers from the Mountain Rescue and Smurd who moved quickly, they were very efficient and good faith. At the hospital she was treated very well, in the same night were made necessary investigations, including an investigation by computer tomography. Fortunately, it was not a very serious problem, just two cervical vertebra fractures without being put in danger spinal cord.
The next day, at noon, I got to her at the hospital ....
And now a few memories ...
Si acum cateva amintiri...
Pensiunea Alex |
Un mic dejun copios... |
Flora spontana langa cabana |
Privind de sus spre ghetarul Focul Viu |
Cetatile Ponorului vazute de sus |
Cetatile Ponorului |
Poteca prin padure |
Mergand prin padurea seculara |
Pietrele Galbenei |
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