"Be creative" day
Ieri a fost ziua "Be creative" a Facultatii de Arte decorative si Design de la Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti (UNARTE). Inimoasa organizatoare a acestui eveniment a fost d-na conf.dr. Daniela Frumuseanu.
Am fost si eu acolo, impreuna cu alte doamne din Asociatia Femeilor Universitare din Romania (AFU Romania), la invitatia Danielei Frumuseanu, membra AFU. Curtea interioara a facultatii a fost invadata de o creativitate debordanta. Foarte multa lume... invitati, profesori, studenti.
Studentii, foarte creativi, si-au prezentat lucrarile, au organizat workshopuri ad-hoc, au creat spectacole de culoare si lumina si au aratat vizitatorilor modul cum lucreaza si creeaza.
Yesterday was the "Be creative" day of the Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design at the National University of Arts in Bucharest (UNARTE). Warmhearted organizer of this event was Ms. conf.dr. Daniela Frumuseanu.
I was there with other ladies from the University Women's Association of Romania (AFU Romania), invitated by Daniela Frumuseanu, member AFU. The inner courtyard of the faculty was invaded by exuberant creativity. A lot of people ... guests, teachers, students.
Students, very creative, presented their works, organized ad-hoc workshops, performances, created with color and light and showed visitors how they work and create.
Cateva imagini, surprinse cu telefonul mobil.
Several images captured by mobile phone.
Niste bijuterii. Some jewelry.
Ceramica. Ceramic.
Studenti la lucru
Students at work.
Imprimerie textile
Textile printing
Arta murala
Mural Art
Tricouri . Shirts
Cativa studenti de la design vestimentar si scenografie au organizat un mic spectacol de creatie vestimentara si machiaj
Some students of fashion design and scenography organized a show of creative clothing and makeup

Au fost acolo si viitori artisti, veniti cu parintii lor la eveniment....au avut ocazia sa-si arate de pe acum talentul.
Future artists came there with their parents at the event .... and had the opportunity to show their talent now.
A fost o zi minunata!
So many beautiful photos, so much creativity! I wish I could be there with you!