Painting experiments
Eu sunt autodidacta. Tot ce am invatat in materie de arta textila a fost din studiul pe internet si colaborarea cu alte artiste. Urmaresc bloguri, tutoriale, m-am abonat la reviste online sau mi-am cumparat carti de pe internet. Si bineinteles.... experimentez.
Acum am incercat sa pictez, asa cum am simtit s-o fac, fara sa cunosc prea multe lucruri, fara sa urmez niste cursuri. Odata am vrut sa ma inscriu la niste cursuri de grafica, dar o pictorita, care mi-a vazut niste lucrari textile, mi-a spus sa-mi urmez drumul meu.
Nu am mai facut asta pana acum, dar imi place. M-am jucat cu o foaie mototolita de hartie printata, adica am reciclat-o, am pus niste culori acrilice, apoi niste creioane colorate Faber Castell si creioane uleioase. Am vrut doar sa realizez o textura care sa-mi aminteasca de texturile cristalelor lichide pe care le vedeam la microscop cand ma ocupam de fizica.... si mi-a iesit. Texturile optice ale cristalelor lichid sunt fascinante, dar bineinteles ca nu pot fi redate intocmai, pot fi doar o sursa de inspiratie.
Iata cateva detalii din ceea ce am facut...
I am self-taught. Everything I learned in the field of textile art was by studying online and working with other artists. Follow blogs, tutorials, I subscribed to magazines or books I bought on the internet.
And of course .... experiment.
Now I tried to paint as I felt to do it, without knowing too much, not to follow some courses. Once I wanted to enroll in some courses in graphics, but a painter who saw some of my textile work, told me to follow my path. I've never done this before, but I like it. I played with a crumpled sheet of printed paper (that I recycled it), I applied some acrylic colors and then some oil crayons and pencils.
I just wanted to achieve a texture that reminded me of liquid crystal textures that I have seen under the microscope when I deal with physics .... and went out. Optical textures of liquid crystals are fascinating, but of course can not be played exactly, can only be a source of inspiration.
Here are some some details of what I did.
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Très beau résultat; bravo!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereMerci, Solange. Toujours la première, avec des beaux mots....c'etait un petit exercise très joli...
ȘtergereEste fantastica aceasta hirtie "mototolita" vezi cum umbla rotitzele prin capul meu la ce ar putea fi folosita :)))...
RăspundețiȘtergereTe rog sa nu mai arunci nici o hartie ;) :D. Uite ce frumuseti ies .
Uimitor! Felicitari!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Lili. Ma bucur daca ti-au placut experimentele mele...
ȘtergereBeautiful experiments
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you Joke for visiting my blog...I wait for you again.