Colaje de hartie
In ultimul timp, imi place sa fac colaje din hartie. Orice rest de hartie, alba sau colorata, diferite printuri, copii xerox dupa articole de fizica care mi-au folosit mai demult, hartie metalizata, etc. le pictez, le deformez si le integrez intr-un colaj, adesea cu alte materiale. Din toate astea am realizat, deocamdata, felicitari sau postcarduri.
Recently, I like to make paper collages. Any remaining paper, white or colored, different prints, photocopies of articles in physics that I have used before, metallic paper, etc.., I paint them, deform them and integrate them into a collage, often with other materials . From all these I realized postcards or postcards.
and here are paper and fabric collages.
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