joi, 10 mai 2012

Colaje de hartie

In ultimul timp, imi place sa fac colaje din hartie. Orice rest de hartie, alba sau colorata, diferite printuri, copii xerox dupa articole de fizica care mi-au folosit mai demult, hartie metalizata, etc. le pictez, le deformez si le integrez intr-un colaj, adesea cu alte materiale. Din toate astea am realizat, deocamdata, felicitari sau postcarduri.

Recently, I like to make paper collages. Any remaining paper, white or colored, different prints, photocopies of articles in physics that I have used before, metallic paper, etc.., I paint them, deform them and integrate them into a collage, often with other materials . From all these I realized postcards or postcards.

iar aici colaje din hartie si material textil.
and here are paper and fabric collages.

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