miercuri, 8 ianuarie 2014

Salonul de iarna 2013

Azi am fost sa vad Salonul de Iarna 2013, deschis la Galeria Orizont din Bucuresti inca din decembrie 2013. O expozitie de arta decorativa a artistilor UAP, unde sunt expuse lucrari de arta textila, tapiserie, sticla, ceramica, tehnici mixte.

Today I went to see Winter Exhibition 201,3 opened at Horizon Gallery in Bucharest, since December 2013. A decorative art exhibition of UAP artists, exhibiting works of textile art, tapestry, glass, ceramics, mixed techniques.

Cateva imagini din expozitie, aici.
Here some images from the exhibition.

3 comentarii:

  1. Happy new year! What a great exhibition to go to. I've enjoyed catching up with your wonderful work - those collage are so colorful! The 'flag' exhibition was great too.

  2. Wow! So many amazing pieces! I wish I could go and see them!


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