Hermina Csata
De mult mi-am dorit sa vad o expozitie a Herminei Csata, o artista originala, absolventa a Universitatii de Arta si Design "Ioan Andreescu" din Cluj-Napoca, membra a Uniunii Artistilor Plastici din Romania si profesoara de pictura si desen la Liceul de Arte "Romulus Ladea" din Cluj-Napoca. I-am vazut cateva lucrari, prezente in diferite expozitii din Bucuresti sau pe internet. Dar cu totul altceva e sa vezi o expozitie personala.
Creatiile Herminei Csata ma fascineaza nu numai prin tehnica speciala cu care sunt realizate ci si prin compozitia lor tematica, simbolistica folosita, precum si cromatica lor, deosebit de rafinata. Hermina Csata foloseste pentru lucrarile sale, pielea, un material cu care cred ca se lucreaza destul de greu. Bucati de piele, cu diferite texturi, sunt imbinate cu o tehnica personala si brodate manual cu fire de matase pentru a crea un tablou. La toate acestea se adauga culorile cu care sunt apoi innobilate. Este fascinanta stiinta cu care Hermina imbina culorile si modul cum broderia se armonizeaza cu textura pielii. Pe langa o astfel de lucrare nu poti sa treci indiferent, ea te fascineaza, te cheama s-o privesti nu numai ca pe un tablou, de la distanta, ci te determina sa o vezi de aproape, sa deslusesti cum a reusit artista sa faca asa ceva.
I wanted very much to see an exhibition of Hermina Csata, an original artist, graduated from the University of Art and Design "Ioan Andreescu" Cluj-Napoca, a member of the Artists Union of Romania and professor of painting and drawing at the High School of Arts "Romulus Ladea" in Cluj-Napoca. I saw some of her works, presented in various exhibitions in Bucharest or Internet. But something else is to see a personal exhibition. Hermina Csata's creations fascinates me, not only by her special technique, but by their composition, theme and symbolism used, as well as very refined colors. Hermina Csata uses in her works, leather, a material that I think is hard to work. Leather pieces with different textures are combined with a personal technique and hand embroidered with silk threads to create a painting. To this she adds colors that add value. It is fascinating how the colors are combined and how embroidery harmonizes with the skin texture. Besides such a work, you can not pass regardless .... it fascinates you, calling you, looking at it not only as a picture, from a distance, but it makes you observe closely, to understand how the artist was able to do it.
Here are some pictures that I've taken in exhibition.
Mai multe fotografii gasiti la linkurile de mai jos.
More photos can be found here and here.
Expozitia a fost gazduita de Centrul Cultural pentru UNESCO "Nicolae Balcescu" din Bucuresti, sub coordonarea unei doamne foarte sufletiste, Silvia Balas. Acest centru este gazduit de o frumoasa cladire construita in stil brancovenesc. Interiorul acestei cladirii parca astepta sa fie impodobit cu astfel de lucrari.
The exhibition was hosted by the Cultural Center for UNESCO "Nicolae Balcescu" in Bucharest, under the direction of a very hearted lady, Silvia Balas. The center is housed in a beautiful building, built in the style Brancoveanu. Inside of this building seems to expect to be decorated with such works.
Multumesc, Hermina Csata, pentru aceasta incantare!
Preciosa exposición, creo que es un arte el elaborar esos trabajos. Un beso
RăspundețiȘtergereGracias por visitar mi blogo...espero verle de nuevo.
ȘtergereUn beso tambien a ti...
Really beautiful pictures, interesting combinations of color ! Thank you, Carmina!